
The Snub

Being the sensible gay that I am, it is not hard to figure out I do not vote Conservative.

In this free and democratic country, I accept Stephen Harper is Prime Minister as this is what Canadians wanted (Or perhaps a result of what they didn't want).

I also appreciate that not everyone, including Mr. Harper, is cool with Same Sex Marriage - although the majority are, or don't care enough not to be.

What I don't understand is Harper's desire to reopen the issue.

Given the majority of Canadians are cool with it.

Given a democratically elected Parliament passed the law.

Given the Supreme Court said the new law is more Constitutional than the old.

Given that provinces representing the majority of the population already allowed it anyway.

But to each his own - he's entitled to his opinion, and he warned us.

Now that the foundation is laid, here's snub #1: The Gay Outgames in Montreal. Even though athletes from 111 countries (of which 20 have laws against being gay) converged on the Olympic city, I can appreciate Mr. Harper couldn't make it.

"The prime minister receives hundreds of invitations to attend several events at the same time. He simply can't be everywhere at the same time." - Dimitri Souda, Harper spokesperson.

Good 'ol kd lang publicly called him on it. But it's OK, Harper sent poor Michael Fortier instead.

And he nearly got booed off the stage. Hell, nearly out of the Big O.

And snub #2? The World AIDS Conference in Toronto. Harper was of course in Nunavut tending to that pesky tempest in the teapot - Arctic sovereignty.

"We recognize the importance of the event. That's why we're sending two senior cabinet ministers but, ultimately, we can't have the Prime Minister everywhere." - Dimitri Souda, Harper spokesperson.

Health Minister Tony Clement promises an announcement this week. How important could it be? I mean 24,000 people from all parts of the world are in town. Harper isn't. And he lived here.

It appears Harper may have confused the Outgames for a Gay event instead of a Human Rights event. And the AIDS Conference as a convention instead of a Health Care event.

So, you say: I'm not LGBT, and I don't have AIDS. Why should I care?

Because Harper's absence tells the world Canadians don't care.


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Anonymous said...

Feeling you're being ignored. Now you know how Nunavummiut feel vis-a-vis the majority of southerners.

Ianc said...

Absolutely fair comment. Harper's ill-timed trip did it no favours though.

Nice blog, btw!