
The Facecloth Mystery Solved!

I recently provided an account of my trip to Breederland. What I didn't mention was that the washroom attendant lives in my building.

One of the joys of apartment living is laundry day. There are a measily five washers and five dryers here - so one needs to know the best time to go to get a couple machines. (Weekday mornings or first thing on weekend mornings) Regardless of when I go, I'm sure not to take more than two machines at a time, and I fully expect the same from my gentle neighbours. I suspect the Asshole (see last post) tells his wife to use all of them.

In any event, my luck ran out one Sunday a couple months ago. All the machines were in use, with one person using three. This delayed me only a little, and I quickly got over the set back. When it was time to use the dryers, this guy (now known as the Washroom Attendant) and his wife were painfully taking facecloths out of the dryers and putting them in nice piles. I waited and waited. At no point did they come up with the bright idea of taking ALL of them out of the dryer and using the nicely appointed counter.

So I spent the time wondering, "Who the fuck needs to wash three loads of white facecloths?"

And now we know.

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