
Excursion to Breeder Land

My partner in crime in my new job is moving on to a new position on Monday. He will be at a different location for a different division. I am happy for his success, but sad to see him go. Especially since I'm still a noob in this job, and he has most of it figured out by now.

In any event, he organised a farewell at a club...I dunno what it is now, but it used to be the Big Easy. Very nice space, and nicely upscale. And $2.50 drinks 'till midnight.

We were there very early - 7. People started showing up at 10, in droves. Lots a girls, lots of boys, all straight. I was very much out of my element. When I party, I tend to go really gay and free up my inhibitions. This does not work well in a breeder bar.

I guess I'm really out of touch with the goods these days. I do not understand the following:

1) Guest List. If you weren't on the guest list, you were not likely to get in. This of course is common in the District. I suppose if I owned a club, I'd love to invite only those on a list. I however am not hip to that scene.

2) Washroom Attendant. I remember a time you'd take a leak, wash your hands, grab some paper, and be good to go. Now, there's a guy squirting soap on your hands and giving you a towel. How much are you supposed to top for that? I have no clue.

3) Double-fisting drinks. Any idea how ridiculous it is to be carrying two drinks in a packed club? I mean, please. This isn't a corporate party. or the Barn.

In this magical part of the world, there is a time when drinks goup in price breasts get sweaty and men start howling.


So like Cinderalla, I got the fuck out of there.

and met Sean at Pegs.


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