
Friday Feast #190

When someone smiles at you, do you smile back?
Yes I do. In fact, I occasionally (and this may surprise you) like to be the smile initiator, especially with strangers. Typically I will receive a smile in return. I guess I'm a bit of a control freak.

Describe the flooring in your home. Do you have carpet, hardwood, vinyl, a mix?
I have been in the process - over the last 5 years - of removing the wall-to-wall carpeting in my pad. Underneath is poorly maintained parkay with even more abysmal tiles in the hallway. But anything beats 18-year-old pink carpet.

Write a sentence with only 5 words, but all of the words have to start with the first letter of your first name.
In introspect, Isabel is icky.

Main Course
Do you know anyone whose life has been touched by adoption?
My father was adopted by, to my limited understanding, were a couple of slackers.

Name 2 blue things.
My couch and my bike.


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