
Sean's Party

Sean threw a house warming / Pride party last evening that proved to be a blast. It perhaps was not as well attended as Sean had expected....I was pleased with this as it meant more rainbow flag Jell-O shots for moi.

Gillian and Marcos were in attendance, so I was set. Gillian for those of you who don't live in my mind is Marcos' friend. She's a blast to chill with, and is full of funny stories. Add a bit of Marcos, and I can just sit back and let them go.

I was quite obliterated by the end of it and am proud to report I finally witness Gillian wasted. I have heard of the legend, but am usually winding down while she is warming up. I am happy to report the hangover I was anticipating really didn't materialise. I wonder if Sean can say the same.

If I recall correctly through my drunken haze, the guests of honour made a late appearance after a delayed flight. Matt and Connell are regular visitors from London (the real one), and love to take in Pride.

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Anonymous said...

You've seen me wasted before, kitten, need I remind you of Sean's b-day?


Ianc said...

Oh dear, that's right! Proud Mary!