
Challenge Update

The magical day is upon us.

You may recall I took the Summer Challenge. And the painful sacrifices I made.

My results have finally been announced. According to Toronto Hydro I managed to save 13.12% during the challenge period. Remember this isn't a true number due to their 'adjustment' to my consumption last year.

Including GST, I received a credit of $5.79 on my latest bill.

I am most impressed with my conservation through September and October - the only full billing period my efforts were in force. Even though I rescinded my stove ban, I managed to save a whopping 31% in consumption. I know I can save 10% month over month, even after turning on some things I unplugged for the challenge.

So, I'm sitting here eating crow. I'd be eating KFC if only $5.79 would stretch that far.

As you recall, I didn't think I had a hope of winning this challenge. It is estimated only 20% hit the target. So let me tell you this: It's easy to conserve, people. Take a minute to look around. Turn off something you're not using. Get a couple low-watt bulbs. Or turn them off and sit in the dark like the Tories.

And yes, I am allowed to look down my nose at you spoilt polluters.

I am now part of the elite of Hydro after all.

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