
"He's got diarrhea, here's some free food for that."

The last few days have marked the third anniversary of my father's death, and the subsequent week of arrangements, logistics, planning and emotion.

One item on the checklist was Mookie, who was being held in trust at the Ottawa Humane Society. I decided to take the poor thing. After all I am a cat person, and was without cat. Interesting sidenote - all through my life there have been cats in the house. Even with the family in four different houses, each had at least one cat.

So today marks the three years ago that I first met Mookie.

To commemorate the occasion, I jetted to Crappy Tire and got a rubbermaid storage bin, a cardboard scratching box (complete with cat nip), and a jug of kitty litter.

Mookie went at the scratching box and caught the idea of its use (versus my furniture) for about 3 seconds. He then went hog wild and tried to eat it.

He then proceeded to get stoned, took a leak in his new litter box, and has since been lying on the floor with a content BC Hydro look about him.

Happy Anniversary, Mookie!

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1 comment:

SeangSTM said...

Rubbermaid's make the BEST litter boxes! :D