
Why I don't use spellcheck

I have never relied on spellcheck. Perhaps this is related to my age...I used to have a typewriter, and had to know how to spell words all by myself.

Not to mention the wasted time. I now people who auto-spellcheck every e-mail. And the e-mail always pops up on something someone's signature. Like .ca.

I would rather incorrectly spell a word, than have spellcheck suggest a totally inappropriate one.

I provide for you an illustration of my point. A portion of an e-mail I received yesterday:

"I have a bit of a problem and I would like some direction from you as to how to go about fixing it with the least amount of incontinence to the customer."

People, if you're wasting your time using spellcheck because you're too lazy to know how to spell, at least make use of the wasted time and look at the replacement words.

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