
Happy Pride!

Wake up breeders, it's Pride Week in Toronto!

This of course is the week all us them there homos get together and party. Its roots of course are in our struggle for acceptance. It is a very significant event in my life as it will always represent my personal acceptance in society. When you have a million folks trekking downtown to watch you, you have no choice but to feel accepted. Ask the monkeys in the zoo who are being watched all day.

Pride has become very mainstream in da T. I imagine the time is getting closer in which no fags will show up for it. After all, we generally don't do line ups, and we certainly do not like drinking out of plastic cups. So the writing is on the wall.

I had the pleasure several years ago to be in Charlottetown PEI when their Pride week happened upon the townsfolk. We're talking about an entire island that has no gay bar, just a gay friendly one (the others theoretically gay mean).

The Parade was down-home good, as was the cake in the park at the end. My favourite memory is of shopkeepers peering out of their windows, looking at who turned gay this year.

Pride catches me differently every year, and leaves me in a different state of mind. I've had awesome ones, and shitty ones.

This one appears to be framed in my mind with apathy. We'll see how I feel by Monday!

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