Friday Feast #100
On average, approximately how many times per day do you yawn?
I have to tell you this isn't on my list of bodily functions I keep track of. Let's say 30.
What was your most memorable school field trip?
Every year the grade 5 and 6 classes at my school took a four-day trip to Manganese Mines in Nova Scotia. It was a blast!
Fill in the blank: I was extremely __________________ this week.
Main Course
Which color do you think of when you hear the word "soothing"?
What is something that, if you had to, you could save up the money to buy within one month?
I don't know the concept of saving up to buy something. I like using credit.
Categories: Feast
Sounds of the City

Bus Operator: I go to Eglinton Station.
Passenger: Oh, so you don't go to Bayview?
BO: What do you think?
Passenger: Um...
I don't make this stuff up, people.
As a rule I don't think anyone should get spat on in the course of doing their job. I do however understand why volleys of spit fly from time to time.
When I was a retail manager, one of the cashiers (Chris) was giving a customer grief as she was redeeming an expired coupon for diapers. He was downright surly, accusing her of thinking he was so stupid he'd take an expired coupon. She left quite upset. I in turn had a chat with the Chris about the importance of using a prick filter when dealing with customers.
About a half hour later, this guy comes in, absolutely screaming at Chris about the way he treated his wife. He screamed, "You think you can treat her like shit? Have some shit back!"
The husband proceeded to throw a used diaper in Chris' face and stormed out. I at that point intervened by restraining Chris, who decided his best course of action was to follow the guy out.
Chris wanted to call the cops and charge the guy with assault. I told him to go ahead, but to make sure to punch out first, 'cause the store wasn't paying for him to be such an ass in the first place.
Chris eventually realised that while the guy was out of line for what he did, it was the end result of his actions. Chris had it coming because he was such a raging asshole.
Let's hope the Transit Union comes to the same realisation.
Why I don't use spellcheck
Not to mention the wasted time. I now people who auto-spellcheck every e-mail. And the e-mail always pops up on something someone's signature. Like .ca.
I would rather incorrectly spell a word, than have spellcheck suggest a totally inappropriate one.
I provide for you an illustration of my point. A portion of an e-mail I received yesterday:
"I have a bit of a problem and I would like some direction from you as to how to go about fixing it with the least amount of incontinence to the customer."
People, if you're wasting your time using spellcheck because you're too lazy to know how to spell, at least make use of the wasted time and look at the replacement words.
Categories: Work, Idiots
My new gig
From what I gather so far, my team tracks boxes. I'm the guy who knows where all the boxes are. I make sure no one impedes my ability to know where boxes are when they do whatever it is that they do. I also track empty boxes to make sure they are sent to get boxes back. Of course, that means I track empty boxes that come back empty, and the ones that come back with boxes in them.
All I can say is, so far I love it!
Categories: Work
Sounds of the City

Ian (to a girl who butt in front of him in line for the porta-potties): I guess you really need to go bad, eh?
Girl: Yeah, sorry about that. I saw the end of the line and it depressed the fuck out of me. If you have to go really bad, I don't mind butting in behind you.
Ian: Let's wait and see who needs to go worse when we get the the front of the line.
Girl (now that we are at the front of the line): OK, I've decided you can't possibly need to go as bad as me. If I let you go first, I'm gonna piss my pants. And I could have done that 10 mintues ago!
Categories: Heard, Pride, Toronto
Am I still alive?
For the first time in many years, my haunt was not my home base for Pride. This was due mainly to my ho-hum attitude about Pride this year. Also in part that they were serving in plastic (pretty standard), you took a chance of having to line up again if you went for a smoke, and most importantly - they were cash and carry this year. No tabs even for the most regular of patrons. Oh, and the DJ refused to take requests, which imho really goes against what this bar still pretends to be.
Generally I leave a very handsome tip for my favourite barkeeps at Pride. I decided since it was cash, instead of tipping each time, I would just tip after the fact - like after the weekend, when all had settled down. That way my tip stays with the barkeeps that took care of me, and not spread out to all the extra staff.
That changed when my fave barkeep, after his shift, actually made a comment about the fact I gave him 50¢ in tips. I should be pleased I was on his mind and he noticed since it was so busy. Whatever. The fact that I love the guy saved him from being bitch-slapped. But fear not people, this is still my haunt and I generally enjoy chilling there even if it doesn't appear that way.
In any event, I managed to hook up with my friend Joe and his boyfriend. Come to think of it, they let me into the line a Zippers. I was quite drunk, told Joe's bf he's hot, danced like a fool, felt up one or two men, and poured myself in a cab. Very productive binge, I must say.
Sunday was a day spent with Sean, and his cool friend Nicole. We cracked our first beer at his place at 3, and proceeded to a beer garden. Let me correct your mind's eye right now. The garden is a parking lot most of the year. It's a parking lot with a fence around it during Pride. No gardens, just lines for everything. Beer tickets, beer, and beer return (portable cans).
I am a huge fan of people watching, and tend to be a bit of a visual stalker. If I think you're hot, you can expect me to look at you until you are no longer within visual range. I wasn't as restrained as that yesterday. I'm blessed to have friends that put up with me! In fact, Nicole was concerned I may be turning straight because I was checking out this woman that I found to be completely sexy. (Nicole thought her ass was too flat). We saw her later...she was completely drunk and completely un-sexy. I've never seen anyone get uglier the drunker I got.
A couple notes. These are not complaints, btw. One needs to pay admission in order to do that.
First, that beer garden probably held 3 to 4 hundred people. Twenty portable cans doesn't cut it. I love the fact that everyone more or less respected the line. Who is going to compensate me for the Depends I will likely need as a result?
And B, the portable sinks ran out of water early. I am a hand washer, particularly in those conditions. Although without the ability to wash my hands I have an increased risk of picking up a cold or something, the risk seems worth it given the number of people I got to see soap up their hands only to realise there was no water. Total gag!
So we were off to Pegs afterwards, along with Matt and Connell. Time had no meaning. I know it was dark, and they were out of Blue, so it made sense to leave. Sean and I went to two different ends of the bar, and each of us bought the other a pint. Having been double-fisting all day, this was not a good thing. For shame, I had to leave one behind. That's pretty much all I remember of Pegasus. My next memory was waking up this morning.
At the end of the day, now that it's done and for what it's worth: For the last few years Pride for me has really been about friends. In fact, there are old friends I only see once a year - at Pride. So if I chilled with you at some point during the weekend, thanks for your friendship, and thanks for being a part of my beer-soaked memories.
Same applies if all I did was stare at you. Or felt up your manhood.
Categories: Pride, Party, Friends, Haunt
Sean's Party
Gillian and Marcos were in attendance, so I was set. Gillian for those of you who don't live in my mind is Marcos' friend. She's a blast to chill with, and is full of funny stories. Add a bit of Marcos, and I can just sit back and let them go.
I was quite obliterated by the end of it and am proud to report I finally witness Gillian wasted. I have heard of the legend, but am usually winding down while she is warming up. I am happy to report the hangover I was anticipating really didn't materialise. I wonder if Sean can say the same.
If I recall correctly through my drunken haze, the guests of honour made a late appearance after a delayed flight. Matt and Connell are regular visitors from London (the real one), and love to take in Pride.
Categories: Party, Friends
Sounds of the City

"Excuse me sir, could you spare a toonie for McDonald's?"
-In front of Sherbourne subway station.
Categories: Heard
Friday Feast #99
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you like your job?
Nice timing. Today is the last day of my old job, and Monday is the first job of my new one - at the same company. The job I leave carries a 4, the job I'm going to is looking to be a 7-8.
But ask again in a month, lol
When was the last time you think you were lied to?
Wow. I work for a living, so probably today. Getting lied to, and getting paid for it. Nice concept.
Share some lyrics from own of your favorite songs.
As soon as you share some examples of proofreading.
Seriously, I don't do 'favourites' but America's A Horse with No Name comes to mind:
After nine days I let the horse run free 'cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rain
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love
You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Main Course
What do you do/take when you are in pain?
It depends on the situation. Sometimes I take Advil, and on the rare occasion I find myself saying in a hushed tone, "Slower, not so fast."
Fill in the blanks: My __________ is very __________.
I'm not even touching this one! But feel free to.
Categories: Feast
Happy Pride!
This of course is the week all us them there homos get together and party. Its roots of course are in our struggle for acceptance. It is a very significant event in my life as it will always represent my personal acceptance in society. When you have a million folks trekking downtown to watch you, you have no choice but to feel accepted. Ask the monkeys in the zoo who are being watched all day.
Pride has become very mainstream in da T. I imagine the time is getting closer in which no fags will show up for it. After all, we generally don't do line ups, and we certainly do not like drinking out of plastic cups. So the writing is on the wall.
I had the pleasure several years ago to be in Charlottetown PEI when their Pride week happened upon the townsfolk. We're talking about an entire island that has no gay bar, just a gay friendly one (the others theoretically gay mean).
The Parade was down-home good, as was the cake in the park at the end. My favourite memory is of shopkeepers peering out of their windows, looking at who turned gay this year.
Pride catches me differently every year, and leaves me in a different state of mind. I've had awesome ones, and shitty ones.
This one appears to be framed in my mind with apathy. We'll see how I feel by Monday!
Categories: Pride, Toronto
Yonge and Eglinton

I wanted to share this pic from 1962. From the City of Toronto Archives, it was posted on Urban Toronto. You can see a great deal has changed on this intersection in the last 44 years. One thing that remained the same - Canada Square was as ugly during construction as it is today.
Categories: Urban, Toronto, Buildings
A couple more great links
The thing about Greenwood, and any small town across this wonderful country, is that the concept of "public space" exists at a different level than in a metropolis. For example, the Fitness Trail in nearby Kingston is the purest of public spaces, built with money saved away. It provides however a time that is shared with those within your own circle, not time spent with the public. I have fond memories of walking this public space, as does my mother.
The fact of the matter is, many who live in the Kingston area are land owners, many with several acres. So they have Space. Urbanites like me rent, with a few square feet of balcony. So public space becomes more important.
By contrast, Yonge Dundas Square in Toronto is also considered a public space. However, it's not truly public. You can sit on it, and stand in it, but it is an enterprise that one rents for events. And it's made of concrete.
spacing.ca is an awesome online and printed resource that tries to understand Toronto's urban landscape. Their blog provides news and opinions on our shared space. Definitely worth the click. Here's their take on YDS.
Another noteworthy source for T.O info is the Urban Toronto Forum. Primarily focused on architecture and projects, it is an excellent presentation of opinions on public space. Also strongly recommended.
Categories: Links, Toronto, Urban, Space
Friday Feast
Sometimes this simply provides filler, other times it provides an opportunity to see the deepest thoughts of the responder.
Usually it's just filler.
What is a word that you use that would not be considered common?
I'm not a word geek, but do use a couple that are non-words:
Mookie: My cat.
Attrited: One who no longer works here.
What theme of calendar do you have on your wall this year?
I'm not a big calendar person and think having one hanging on a wall is tacky. I do however have one at work. Issued by our Health and Wellness committee, it tells me each month how close to death I am by not following simple healthy lifestyle choices.
Name 3 people you speak with by telephone a regular basis.
I am no longer a telephone speaker, and certainly don't call my family often enough. I tend to use my cell to send text messages.
Main Course
If you could buy a new outfit for someone you know - who would it be and what would you purchase for them?
Ok, this is a stupid question. I've never thought of buying anyone an outfit where the situation was not tied to sexual thoughts. And what's with this 'if you could?' Does one need permission?
What is the last beverage you drank?
I'm currently drinking Pepsi. Surprised it's not beer? It's not even 9am!
Categories: Feast
Free Food
The only thing surlier than a Torontonian Consumer is a Torontonian Retail employee. I'm not sure which came first: The bitchy customer or the ignorant cashier. Throw in a union and you have a grocery store cashier. Apparently not included in the collective agreement is the need for a personality.
My point is, I hate shopping in these parts. Only one thing gives me joy: Free food. Any turkey can find a rotten tomato in Dominion and get a free one. Only the skilled will remember the price of every item, and immediately know if something scanned higher than the shelf price. I am skilled, my friend!
I happened upon a hand-written sign in the frozen food: "Hungry Man Dinners now $3.49"
Wow, $1.50 less than the shelf stickers. A great deal! Since it was the only sign, and it was kinda hidden, I figured it was as good as "Hungry Man Dinners now $0.00"
And sure enough, it scanned at $4.99. I didn't want to bother the cashier with this, since the poor soul obviously hadn't learned to talk. Besides, it's never a good move to tell the cashier. They'll generally just give it to you for the price on the sign. I went to customer service, and got my $4.99 back! The best tasing TV Dinners are free ones.
As an aside:
I would like to point out three facts:
1) A pound is equal to 453.6 grams.
2) Swanson boasts on their Hungry Man dinners "Over 1 lb. of food."
3) Swanson Hungry Man dinners are 455 g.
Why in the hell wouldn't they just add another cut bean and bring it to 5 g. more than a pound instead of 1.4 g?

It's things like this which explain the decline of our society!
Categories: Retail, Rant
Falador Massacre
Now-banned Durial321 with a handful of other players discovered a bug in Runescape World 111, and caused chaos when he used it to his advantage. Contrary to Rule #4.
RS has been a very busy place since a new skill, Construction, was introduced on May 31. With this skill you can build a house and furnish it. Your house can be up to 20 rooms, each one serving a different purpose. You can even hire a servant. Due to the cost of the raw materials as well as the addition of rooms, it is widely speculated this skill was released to remove gp (money) from the game to counter a possible deflation of prices.
In any event, by June 5 Cursed You was the first to reach level 99 Construction (99 being the highest level of any skill, although you can still grow experience). So Cursed You held a party at his house to celebrate. A well-attended affair indeed. At some point, I guess someone stole the stereo, cause Cursed You started to evict people from his house.
After being kicked out, Durial321 (a formidable player himself with a combat of 115) discovered he had the ability to attack other players, although he was not in the Wilderness (the place players go to try to kill each other). It is important to note that whenever a player dies, he loses most of items he's holding, and the killer has first dibs at the loot.
So Durial, and others, started killing players in and around Falador....and the players, not being in the Wild, had no way of fighting back. Durial admits to killing for rare items (such as a party hat, which was available only during Christmas 2001. Depending on the colour, it sells for between 100 and 300 million gp).
Chaos insued, for the laws of nature were broken. Literally hundreds of players showed up to watch the spectacle. Dozens were killed. Hundreds of millions worth of items were lost. Player and RS Mods showed up on the scene, pleading with people to deposit their items in the nearby banks, to disperse, to be quiet and to go to another World.
Rune Tips has more information on this legendary day, including an exlusive interview here.
...and you thought Atari games were complex.
Categories: Runescape
My MMORPG, yo!
If you've never seen anything like this, check it out. The concept blows me away. It's an online game where you complete a multitude of tasks and just generally chill in online world. There are a good number of skills you can train, such as fishing, mining and crafting. Of course, combat skills including magic are important so you can kill monsters (or other players in certain areas of the game).
So all of this is online. Two thousand players can fit in a 'World' which are servers located in various countries. The game has recently been pushing 200,000 players at one time at peak. That's a lot of geeks!
So you have several hundred people in this game doing their own thing, with their own looks and personalities and demeanor (as evidenced primarily through the online chat). It's a living society with its own history, ethics, scams, missions, politics and economy. That's what blows me away. It's an entire make believe world to escape from the real one. Without swearing and sex. (the only thing that sucks).
I'm still an outsider in this make believe world, where I haven't even met anyone to do quests with. I'm more likely to offer help to newcomers (although I'm still flippantly called a noob myself) than join a clan and kill other players.
I suppose there is no escape from the real world. Just distraction from it.
Categories: Runescape
No need to apologise...
I hate paying the annual premium, because I've never had a claim, so there obviously isn't a return on the investment at this point. Insurance makes one hope for bad things, just to get one's money's worth. I suppose more insulting than never having a claim would be to have the place burn down with me in it.
I can picture my family going crazy re-buying all my possessions so they can split it up after the funeral.
In any event, I paid. And I was of course asked if I wanted to move my car insurance over.
"I don't have a car."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
What? Sorry about what? That you can't get a commission from me? That I'm a loser that can't afford a car? Or even worse, can't pass a driving test? That I have to take the TTC?
Believe it or not people, there are absolute hundreds of us in this city that manage to eke out reasonably decent lives without cars. We are not all freaks!
A colleague was recently planning a business trip to Montreal by train:
"Ian, is there parking at Union Station?"
"Why don't you take the subway?"
"The subway? Seriously? but I live in 905"
"So, take the bus to Finch."
"No, I can't forsee that happening."
"So, drive to work, leave your car here, and take transit"
"Um, so you don't know of any parking down there, eh?"
"Why don't you just drive to Montreal"
Who is the freak now?
When I call in to pay my premium next year, let's see if a notation was taken of my carlessness. I'm hoping they ask if I want life insurance...
Categories: Urban, Toronto
A niche audience
For those of you who need to know what Florida's felons are up to, where they're chillin' and what they've done.
If you're into 18-year-olds that tried to kill someone (a quick search), you'll be happy to know Antonio is due to be released on Sep 9th. I suppose if you're the victim, you'll be happy for this link. Oh, and if you're interested in meeting him, don't bring your car.
Categories: Links, Homicide
Transit Toronto is an amazing Transit Fan website. There is actually an entire online community dedicate to us Fans. It's an awesome urban hobby. Awesome? Everything's relative. At least I'm not collecting pieces of glued paper that people have licked.
Sean is my OSDB (Official Saturday Drinking Buddy). I like to chill with him 'cause he's a constant. And he's very consistent. I have no ducking clue why he chills with me, but I love that he does.
Marcos is a geek that sometimes comes drinking on Saturdays. He has recently returned full time to this, da T-dot-O, and I'm glad for it! I like hanging with folks who use the other side of the brain.
The risk of linking friends' blogs comes via the knowledge one obtains after a Sunday afternoon of reading. It's the whole 6 degrees thing. For example, and let them read this for themselves, it turns out Sean and Marcos are cousins.
Categories: Links, Friends, Transit
The Obligatory First Post
As a matter of course, all blogs absolutely need to start with a first post. For no subsequent posts can flow without the foundation of the first.
Some blogs unfortunately never have subsequent posts, just the only post. And cobwebs.
They failed because the blogger used an Only Post to start, not a First Post.
So I suppose this is the paragraph that I'm supposed to explain why I've started a blog. I forsee after about 100 posts, readers will be saying, "Why the hell does Ian have this stupid blog?" They will then come upon this First Post, and this Explanation Paragraph.
And there is the answer.