
Friday Feast #114

Name a song you know by heart.
See, I can't sing so it's harder for me to remember song lyrics than the tone-hearing - who of course, sing more often than I do. Some gentle readers may say I sing more often than I should.

They would be right.

To answer the question I know O Canada! by heart as we had to sing it every morning in school.

What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?
What a minefield this question is... Obviously I can't answer with anything I have done in front of someone else.

I'm pretty much left with picking my nose.

How often do you use mouthwash and what kind do you like?
Daily and Listerine.

Main Course
Finish this sentence: I am embarrassed when...
I think of things from the past.

What was the last food you craved?
Kraft Dinner. How ridiculous is that!

Yet again, a bland, lame feast. Just pretend you're at Medieval Times.


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