Welcome to Halifax
Dartmouth to be precise.
I lived in Dartmouth as a youngster and only started referring to Dartmouth as Halifax when I moved to Toronto simply to make it easier on those folk. Reason being Torontonians are too busy being self absorbed they think Newfies live in Halifax.
In fact, If you were to ask someone in Upper Canada to list the provinces from west to east, the response would be:
The Prairies
The Newfies
In any event, Halifax is a great town, and Dartmouth is across the harbour from it.
I have just returned from my walk. I took a longer one than usual as I have a new view.
Mom's swanky apartment is in a great hood - Sullivan's Pond. And within walking distance to Mic Mac. She sold her house earlier this year, located in a subdivision of identical houses in the outskirts of the city.
I took a tour of the pond and inspected the newly installed fountain. The pond of course is the result of a dam that was built as part of the Shubenacadie Canal. If you haven't heard of this canal before congrats to you for not having to endure the Nova Scotia school system. Also of note on the pond is a centennial flame, a totem pole and the gazebo, all surrounded by a couple hundred ducks.
The pond is quite picturesque, even in a snowless December. More picturesque is the view Alderney gate, so off I went to take in a view of Halifax. It takes a while to
become accustomed to the slower pace of life here. For example, I took a moment to reflect on the Tim's on the way. It was closed. It was an unusual and unnerving sight
for me.
I always take in the view of Halifax from Alderney Gate, which includes the Ferry Terminal and other municipal installations. The park and pier are at the old Dartmouth City Hall (which now serves as the HRM School Board). A perfect view of Downtown Halifax, the Old Bridge and whatever is parked in the outer harbour awaits. (On this particular night, two Oil Rigs and a
container ship). I see the last ferry to Halifax depart - with the standard complement of young guys on their way to the bars.
Now if you have ever stayed with Mom, you know it is a food marathon. Her goal I believe is to eat at every food establishment in the city.
It started as we left the airport yesterday. Our first stop was the Enfield Irving Big Stop, where a cheap and plentiful breakfast is served all day. Included for your toast is a choice of 6 kinds of jam! Dinner was at Fan's (formerly Fran's) at Shannon Plaza. Fan's specialises in food from Northern China, whose people apparently live off of deep fried
food. We go there every time I'm down, and it's consistently OK. You would recognise the plaza if you're a Trailer Park Boys fan - this is the place where Randy used to hustle, and where Julian ended up living in his car drunk out of his mind. (Season 4 episode 2)
Today was the big shopping day for Vic and I. We started of course at Mic Mac Mall, which is in fact my favourite mall. I used to hang out there all the time as a youngster, and immensely enjoy the selection of stores and service as compared to Toronto malls.
For example, at the Bay, the clerks at the cash make eye contact, use words like Hello, Please, Thank you. It's as if they're living the training manual. It's as if they think they are getting paid to provide service to customers - a formula that simply doesn't work in Toronto.
And it's not just the Bay, it's everywhere. The Sobey's, the Zellers, the Tim's (one of my large double-doubles came complete with a happy face on the lid). It's simply the way of life here.
So you know, Vic and I ate at one of my favourite spots - the Steak and Stein. The place is always busy and I find the food to always be good, although Mom tends to think it's going downhill. She's been saying that for five years. Their feature is the 3 ounce steak. I had three.
More to follow...
Categories: Travel
Where the Lowest Price is Anarchy
Now, Vic told me of a recent Zellers experience in which she purchased some chocolates from a massive display that were signed $1. They rang in at $1.09. She describes all the hoops she had to go through to get the refund here. I support anyone who even bothers to get a penny refunded. The $.09 isn't going to make or break Vic. But think about it. If Zellers managed to sell the entire display, they would have made around $36 in pure profit.

I was prepared. As you know, I have an eagle eye for making sure things ring up correctly. Zellers takes the fun out of the sport by making it easy.
Of the four items I purchased, one was marked regular price, and three were marked with a percentage discount. Two of the discounted items rang up at full price. Too small a sample size for sure to mention I was overcharged for half the items I purchased. The value of the overcharge you ask? $13.50. If I didn't notice, I would have paid 29% more.
So off I went to Customer Service, where the Customer is always a number. I was number 327. The clerk wasn't sure why I'd bother, since the cashier had corrected the error.
"You have entire displays of merchandise that you are overcharging for. The cashier didn't do anything about that."
The clerk didn't have an answer for me, but the manager was close by.
What Phil said:
- We have thousands of items and it's hard to keep track of all of them.
- Sorry.
- We put the signs up early so customers could benefit.
- I know this isn't the answer you would like to hear.
The answer I was expecting to hear is that you would correct the prices or take down the signs. Appreciating the thousands of items you need to keep track of, I was good enought to point out two.
So, I called the head office to explain I wasn't happy with the outcome at the store and to confirm whether it is practice to put signs up, but not update the cash registers.
Their response was that Zellers tries hard to ensure their pricing is correct, but they are "not at 100%" (She wouldn't say what % they're at). Sometimes things are missed, particularly when there is a discount involved. Customers are invited to tell the cashier at point of sale if something rings too high.
To which I responded, "So, what I'm hearing is that it's Buyer Beware at Zellers"
No, she said. She would contact the store manager and ensure it's corrected.
OK, gentle readers. I've ranted about this before I know. You should be ranting as well. It is obviously going to happen that an item scans too high. Signs get missed after a sale, for example. It is purely unacceptable that the situation is not immediately taken care of. Neither is it acceptable to reduce prices before the cash register is updated.
In my retail days, my chain had easy-to-follow guidelines.
First off, a 2% error rate or better needed to be maintained. And error is scans too high, scans too low, or the product does not have a shelf sticker.
Second, signs go up once a sale starts, and come down after a sale ends.
Third, when the sign goes up, the item is scanned to ensure it was captured.
Fourth, when a large sale comes down, the price is checked again. All remaining sale items are audited to ensure they are still on sale.
So there you have it. A warning when shopping at Zellers, coupled with an inside scoop of how retailers can ensure price accuracy.
Categories: Retail, Rant
Nathan Phillips Square
Seriously, it was nice to see the projection display on Old City Hall. I enjoyed watching the dozens of people - from all corners of the city and world - skating under the arches.
If you get a chance, give this a look.
I snagged this photo from the Torontoist Flickr Pool. Metrix ' grabbed this shot. Be sure to check out his other work.

Categories: Toronto
It's Christmas already?
It seemed like only last week I was sitting on the phone with my sister and mother negotiating my trip to Halifax for Christmas. I remember it well - my planned 4 day excursion became an 8 day marathon.
The marathon begins at some ungodly pre-dawn hour tomorrow. I am not prepared. Not for an early wake-up, not for a trip, and certainly not for Christmas. Is this something that can be postponed? Can we defer the birth of Christ until the new year?
I think I'm looking forward to the trip. It will be good to spend time with Mom and Vic. Not like Survivor, but definately like the Amazing Race, where the next destination is always a restaurant. Also, it will be nice to chill at Rejections Cabaret for a spell.
Vic's husband has to stay behind due to work. He has been appointed the official caregiver to Mookie.
Ah, Mookie. The poor thing is currently catching a nap in my bedroom closet, unaware of the impending abandonment. It has taken me over 3 years to train the shithead how to live with me. All will be lost in the space of a week. Is he ever going to be pissed!
So, wish me well. I shall try to keep in touch to provide updates.
Categories: Life, Mookie
I can't find a coffee shop
I'm not sure about your parts, but in Toronto, you can't swing a cat without hitting a coffee shop. It just seems more efficient to simply look for one than to ask someone where one is.
But that's just me.
I wait for a connecting bus to work in the morning at Bayview and Eglinton. About twice a year, I'm asked by a stranger where a coffee shop is. I can see four places in which to get coffee without turning my head.
"What kind do you want," is my reply.
It is actually fascinating to see how many Tims there are. At what point is the market saturated? I used their online Trip Planner (yes, they indeed have one, just like their commercial suggested). I planned a trip from here to central Montreal. Within a kilometre of my route are 52 Tim's. That's one evey 10 km.
And if you've travelled with me, you've likely been to every one of them.
Categories: Links
Fond Memories

Poor Sassafraz is no more. Where will those celebrities go to chill out now?
I have fond memories from the 'Fraz, as I liked to call it. Now let it be understood: I'm not one of those princessesses that hang out at places just to be cool. Far from it - I find that a little artificial. In fact, I'm the type of dude that hangs out at places that aren't cool.
At the last company I worked for a number of years ago I met a great bunch of friends. We have all moved on, but all manage to get together about once a year.
At one point, we had formed a Dinner Club. Once a month, we would go out to Dine. I won't speak for the rest of the flock, but I was generally drunk before the main course came. The club came to an end shortly after we suffered through an entire dinner listening to one of teh flock decree motions on who could, and could not be part of the Club.
So we stopped sending him the invite.
Back to the 'Fraz. One particular month it was chosen as the spot.
We were all on our best behaviour.
The waitress was an absoute eccentric. More so than an ass wiping wand. She in fact was over the top. I believe her accent to be fake. I am pretty sure she had an orgasm when she recited the specials of the evening. The older gentleman at the next table was absolutely apalled when the waitress took away his escort's special to show our table the wonderful presentation.
"Luke at ze vondervul preezentishun," said the waitress as quivered and twitched.
Should we be appalled as well? Is this the proper thing to do to fit in at this surreal eatery? But how can I act appalled when I'm laughing? So I did the best thing I could think of. I ordered the special. It was wonderfully presented, after all.
The absolute highlight of the evening came with the meals. One of our ladies had excused herself just before the main course came.
"I shall get ze leed for ze ladiz plate," said the waitress as she scurried off.
Emilia immediately looked intrigued.
Emilia: Wow, how classy. She's getting a leed for the plate.
Ian (Laughing): How classy are you by making fun of her fake accent.
Emilia: What?
At that moment the waitress returned with a metal lid, and put it on the plate.
Emilia had a baffled look on her face.
Ian: It's a lid, Emilia. A lid.
Emilia: Oh. I thought she was bringing something I've never heard of before.
All: Out of control laughter.
As you can imagine, I bring up this story during our annual reunion. It's on the play list with Effie's kidney stone, John's codeine addiction and the fact I had sex with Joe.
So farewell, 'Fraz. Thanks for the memories.
Categories: Friends, Toronto
Friday Feast #122
My first job with an actual cheque was working for BBM back in the mid-80s. My job was to call folks to do TV and Radio ratings surveys. The pay was decent ($5.50 an hour), and it was back in the days where you could smoke. I lasted there for a year.
Did you ever lose something really important to you?
The most important thing to me that I've lost is my father. See, I'm not always a material girl!
What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
Probably that kidney. Just kidding. I've been fortunate enough to receive some pretty decent gifts in my day. I think my favourite was the police scanner.
Main Course
Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school.
I wasn't really into the hang out crowd in high school. I had just moved to Toronto in time for high school. I suppose we hung out the most at a donut shop.
Name something that always brings a smile to your face.
Seeing people fall.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #121
Which language would you like to learn and why?
I was supposed to learn French well enough to get a job in Montreal and live with my boyfriend. So I still don't know French and I have no boyfriend. What sucks is, I can't learn it now 'cause then I'd start asking myself why I didn't do it before.
So, let's say Tagalog, for the reason provided above.
What's the funniest thing you've heard or read so far this week?
It would have to be my Annual Review.
Which movie was so bad you couldn't watch the whole thing?
I've walked out of a few. To be honest I can't remember any specifically. I believe I have written about movies that sucked in previous Feasts, so that will have to do.
Main Course
If there were a holiday in your honor that didn't use your actual name, what would the day be called?
Kettle Day, for obvious reasons.

Name one movie which is coming out soon that you would like to see.
I can't even name a movie which is coming out soon. I can name a couple people who are, though.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #120
Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
I haven't, and have never had the desire. I have however been in a helicopter before. Can I get half points?
What color is your warmest coat or jacket?
It's a slate grey with black. Go ahead and tell me about my personality based on that.
What is your favorite rainy day activity?
I'd say sex, but that's actually my favourite any day activity. Let's say playing Runescape.
Main Course
Describe your hands.
I have my father's hands. I don't like looking at them because they're starting to age.

If you could eat only one nut for the rest of your life, what nut would you pick?
I eat more peanuts than any other nut, so it would make sense that I stick with that. Seeing that I can only eat one for the rest of my life, I shall choose a walnut.
Categories: Feast
Second Life / Get a Life
Of course, I put up with a certain amount of mocking, both direct and indirect for this diversion.
Get over it.
I'm sure by now you have seen the new latest craze, Second Life.
SL is a virtual world in which everything is run by the users. You can be a free member, roaming the streets, making your money (Lindon Dollars) by working odd jobs. If you become a premium member, you will receive a weekly stipend. You will also be able to buy land that you can ultimately build up.
So everything in this world is owned by someone. And it's open source allows members to build whatever they want. Anything that is built is your property in the real world.
A really difficult concept, eh? It's easiest to understand if you simply consider SL to be the real world.
I'll give you an example. I may determine there's a need for a product. Let's say, I don't know, hand baskets.

Using the online creation tool, I can build handbaskets. I can then sell them to the owner of the store, and make money. If I create a unique handbasket, it's mine. I can turn around and design it in the real world, and sell the design to a company for real money.
So on SL, I make my living selling something. Let's say I sell handbaskets for 20 Lindons (L$) each, and I sell a thousand of them. I now have 20,000L$. What do I do with that? Well, I can live on SL for one thing, consuming goods, buying land and things, partying, whatever.
I can also go to a currency exchange, such as LindeX, and sell my L$ for US$. The LindeX closed today at 269L$. If I sold my 20k L$, I would get $74.35 US. Conversely, if I needed additional L$, I could buy it with US$.
In short, there are people on this planet who are making a living exclusively from working within SL. There are companies in the real world, with employees, making their money on SL.
There are well over a million members in SL right now. While the vast majority are simply living a different, perhaps better life online, some are living a different, perhaps better life in the real world because of this.
I now must go find a way to get the idea of financial freedom out of my head before I go and quit my job.
Categories: Links, Runescape
All about the head
In case you're wondering, this is supposed to cure headaches. They just aren't allowed to advertise it as a remedy.
The story behind this is a colleague was talking about it, but I never saw the ad so figured it was a figment of her imagination. I decided I'd post it here, to prove to others how quick I am to judge my colleagues and their ability to remain in the realm of reality.
Categories: Idiots
November Sucks
Sorry February. As much as I dislike you, I reserve my loathing exclusively for November.
November is a shitty month. Ever shortening spans of daylight. The sun blocked by clouds for days on end. Feeble snow flurries. Brown grass. Mind you, we have had pretty good weather lately and even had a couple sunny days last week. <---This was difficult to write, as I don't like to associate positive comments with November. A few nice days isn't enough for me to forget about your black heart. It's kinda like how I think Paul Bernardo is hot.

For years now, I've pretty much shut down in November. I can never get enough sleep. I can't get out of bed. If I do get out of bed, I can't make it to work. So I can sleep all day.
I'm likely to break up with you in November. I'm likely to get sick. I have been known to go on drinking binges. Taco Bell, why don't you sell Soft Taco Supremes by the bucket? And Burger King, when are you going to open an outlet in the lobby of my building? And when are you going to start selling Poutine Whoppers?

It's become obvious to me I am a SAD sufferer. That's the last thing I need. More variability in my moods. So the obvious solution is to get as much light as possible. And that's what I've started to do. I've also started choking down some Omega 3 and Vitamin D. This seems to help as well.
I know the end of the funk is near. As Christmas approaches, I get out of the slump. Things look up on the first day of Winter, after all. We actually start to get more daylight.
In the meantime, I'm that guy wearing the taco-stained T shirt in line at Burger King.
Categories: Life
Can I have a basket please?
I just returned from your location at 2877 Bayview Ave in North York.
I was annoyed to see, once again, there were no hand baskets at the entrance. Just a couple empty holders.
This is of course a silly thing to get annoyed over. Unfortunately this situation has started to get on my nerves as this is the fourth time in a row I have had to start my shopping "experience" by hunting down a basket - a convenience item for me, the customer, and a proven way to increase sales for you.
In fact, between this location and the SuperCentre at Don Mills and Eglinton, my chances are even that there will not be a basket available at the entrance.
So today, within the first minute of being in your store you managed to annoy me. This is the reason I'm taking the time out of my day to write to you about a basket.
Why didn't I send it, you ask?
Their bloody online web form doesn't work. It's probably too busy talking to the web form next to it about what movie it's going to see on the weekend to notice me there.
Categories: Retail, Rant
Friday Feast #119
Have you ever changed a flat tire by yourself?
Yes, many years ago on my 10 speed.
Do you have an "innie" or an "outie" belly button?
I have an innie that has served as a lint trap for the better part of two decades.
Name a new paint color and describe it.
Furball. It is grey with hues of Fancy Feast Brown.
Main Course
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I've actually been moving away from traditions the last few years. I suppose my favourite tradition is to avoid doing traditional things during the holidays.
If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be, and why?
Probably a Lemon Snap, for obvious reasons.
Categories: Feast
Challenge Update
You may recall I took the Summer Challenge. And the painful sacrifices I made.
My results have finally been announced. According to Toronto Hydro I managed to save 13.12% during the challenge period. Remember this isn't a true number due to their 'adjustment' to my consumption last year.
Including GST, I received a credit of $5.79 on my latest bill.
I am most impressed with my conservation through September and October - the only full billing period my efforts were in force. Even though I rescinded my stove ban, I managed to save a whopping 31% in consumption. I know I can save 10% month over month, even after turning on some things I unplugged for the challenge.
So, I'm sitting here eating crow. I'd be eating KFC if only $5.79 would stretch that far.
As you recall, I didn't think I had a hope of winning this challenge. It is estimated only 20% hit the target. So let me tell you this: It's easy to conserve, people. Take a minute to look around. Turn off something you're not using. Get a couple low-watt bulbs. Or turn them off and sit in the dark like the Tories.
And yes, I am allowed to look down my nose at you spoilt polluters.
I am now part of the elite of Hydro after all.
Categories: Conservation, Electricity
Friday Feast #118
Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
The odd are there is. Some days it doesn't appear there is intelligent life on this planet.
What is one thing you said you'd never do, but you eventually did?
Perhaps the biggest is smoking.
Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?
Mr Dunkley, my grade 6 teacher. I really enjoyed the structure he gave the class. He inspired me to excel.
Meanwhile, in the other corner, Mr Field in high school is the teacher that had the most influence over me.
Main Course
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
Hmmm...who would I want to be me? I mean, let's say I want to trade places with Chris Bosh. I'd spend the whole time worrying what he thinks of me after seeing my bathtub ring. Or me naked.
What is your favorite dish to prepare?
I enjoy making lasagna. I also secretly enjoy making a holiday dinner.
Categories: Feast
Election Update
CityNews on Monday evening - within thirty seconds of the polls closing - declared David Miller the winner of the Mayor's race.
I told you.
The price of admission was justified only a couple minutes later, when the Live Eye reporter told Jane Pitfield of their declaration.
The look on her face.
The reaction.
If only we could have four years of that. I think it would be funnier than Lastman.
Well, not likely.
So with some 57% of the vote on a modest platform, Miller spoke. Toronto seemingly became a better city than it was on Sunday. Miller referred to Her as a World Class City.
I haven't heard that from a Mayor since Lastman.
"Toronto needs sustainable funding," said Miller.
I haven't heard that from a Mayor since Miller. On Sunday. And countless times over the last three years.
And then unexpectedly Toronto became more of a bully. We are the centre of the universe, after all - although some days it's hard to see. We were not only reminded of this, but told to hold onto it. Even though Alberta is booming, Tim's is paying $14 and hour, and the Prime Minister resides there, just south of Redneckville.
So Bravo to Miller. After three years of getting nowhere with funding, after Lastman got nowhere, he sends a volley.
Give us sales tax, or Toronto will vote you out. Just one cent. And keep your jobs.
How much is that? Nearly half a billion dollars a year. Should the rest of Canada care? Yes and no. It's our money - Torontonians are taxpayers after all, so you should mind that we want to spend our money in our hood. If we get it money from, let's say the Feds, that opens the door for Halifax and Winnipeg and Redneckville to do the same.
Half a billion dollars. Just enough to cover the anticipated deficit Toronto will see next year. Only two thirds of what we pay after Provincial downloading.
Time for some math, people. Let's keep in mind Toronto's budget is over $7 billion. Bigger than most provinces. The Federal Surplus is $13 billion. Nearly twice Toronto's budget. Roughly ten percent of Canadians live in Toronto. Assuming Torontonians spend at the same rate as everyone else, it is very safe to say $1.3 billion of that surplus is Our money.
So the reaction?
Dalton McGinty said he'd really like to help, but his wallet is empty. Go to the feds, and please don't ask me anything about the downloading issue.
Stephen Harper hasn't said anything. He's from Leaside after all. And he's busy trying to lower the GST to 5%. We're not much of a threat to him - we didn't vote for him. Not one seat in Toronto is Blue. And he doesn't seem to currently be in need of a seat from us. So long as he doesn't piss of Quebec, we're not needed.
Harper sent the Minister of Transport to town. Lawrence Cannon came announced $40 million in national transit funding specifically to increase security. The TTC was of course expecting a good cut, being the largest transit authority in the country. Perhaps enough to install more cameras in the subway. Or new garbage cans to replace the shitty new ones, which replaced the excellent old ones, in the name of public safety in light of terrorism.
Instead, the TTC received what pretty much equals one day's cost to operate.
$1.5 million.
To Recap:
Miller said, "Give me some money or we'll send you home."
McGuinty said, "Fuck off and talk to Harper."
Harper said, "Fuck you, you never let me play."
So, are we doomed? Toronto has new taxation powers starting next year. Toronto will be able to tax beer and concert tickets. So we could always pay more tax and forget about the tax we don't see.
In all, Miller's speech left me finally feeling good about the city and what it could be. Now I feel dread - only 24 hours into it, what could be is lost until the next election.
I hope the monentum has just begun. Toronto simply won't last another four years otherwise.
Categories: Politics, Toronto, Transit
Remembrance Day
I present to you the quiz:
1) Captain John McCrae served as a medical officer in the First World War and wrote what is considered to be Canada's most famous poem. What is the name of the poem?
2) Canada has produced a number of outstanding military heroes. Identify the two famous Canadians from the following list:
Air Marshal "Billy" Bishop
General Douglas MacArthur
Sir Arthur Currie
General Ulysses Grant
3) Canada's most famous single victory in the First World War consisted of the capture of a key ridge on the Western Front. What was this battle called?
4) In the past century, women took on new roles in the work force to support Canada's war efforts. Which war prompted the Canadian government to give women the right to vote in federal elections?
Looking for the answers? Get off you ass and look them up!
The fact of the matter is, I passed. I certainly couldn't write an essay answer to these questions.
So that got me thinking I really should review Canadian History. It has been over 20 years since I studied it, after all. And I did a half-assed effort at doing so.
Rats - If only there were Canadian history books around. If only there was a gift-giving holiday coming up.
For more questions from the Dominion Institue, take the quiz. You can win a music download if you get a perfect score.
Categories: Canada
Friday Feast #68
What was the last game you purchased?
I suppose a PS2 game for my mother. Yes, Mom has a PS2. Got a problem with that?
Name something in which you don't believe.
Horoscopes or anything of the sort.
If you could choose a television personality to be your boss, who would you pick?
And I would be doing this because why? See, this question makes no sense. I have to pick an actor, then somehow figure out which one should be my boss? But they're all actors. Hmmm... If I was asked to pick a character, the question would be a little less retarted. And I would answer Arthur Carlson
Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
One who allows himself to be controlled by the notion of being in love will ultimately find love that is hollow.
Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
Any room with lube and a towel.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #67
Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
I button from bottom-to-top. It took me most of my life to realise this is the best way of ensuring I don't mis-button, which I'm sure you'll agree is a royal pain in the ass.
What is your favorite sandwich?
This is tricky. Montreal smoked meat, medium.
What was a family project you helped work on as a child?
Mom's heroin addiction.
Main Course
When have you acted phony?
I hate acting phony! I reserve that for work and funerals. The last time was yesterday at work, meeting with a colleague who was lying through his teeth.
Do you write letters or postcards? If so, to whom?
The only person I write letters to - and she'll tell you not often enough - is Mom. Who incidently has never been on heroin.
Categories: Feast
Election Update
Well, not really.
In any event with a little less than two weeks to go, I certainly hope you have been studying the issues and the candidates. If not, here's a rundown:
First the issues.
There aren't any.
Seriously - Crime, Transit and Garbage are the major issues. Yes, I said garbage. Beats out Taxes and Poverty according to this Poll. The fact of the matter is, crime is down after the Summer of the Gun, and we haven't seen a garbage strike since Mayor Mel. Transit seems to be rising to the top of the heap of issues.
Now the Candidates.
There are three that matter to the media, and another 35 or so on the ballot.
David Miller: Running for second term. Miller isn't carrying a broom this election, but continues his Clean City Beautiful City theme, promising $100k per ward for beautification. On crime, he speaks of what he's done the first term. More cops on the street and so on. Miller has a comprehensive transit plan, that is heavy on Busways and Streetcar right-of-ways. Plus the Spadina subway extension. Miller seems to understand transit priorities, but unfortunately has shown little movement on the issue his last term. He is going to win, by the way. Thirty percent are committed voters according to a recent poll.
Jane Pitfield: Poor Jane. An early candidate, Jane spent most of her early days saying how bad Miller is. It's hard to understand what her platform is. For example, she currently supports growth at the Island Airport. She voted against the fixed link to it however. Jane is currently against the St Clair Streetcar right-of-way. Her voting record was in support of it during last term. Jane says Miller spends tax dollars recklessly, but was on the budget committee for two budgets, and supported both. She is opposed to the recent purchase of the landfill near London, which she voted to buy - presumably due to "human error." She wants to outlaw panhandlers. And she wants to build 2 km of subway every year, and enter into 'private/public' partnerships for transit
Stephen LeDrew: A late-comer to the campaign, LeDrew started as simply anti-Miller. He said he will throw his support behind Pitfield near election day if he's still in third. (More recently, he said he will throw his support behind Miller). Not much going on with him. Miller has done nothing his last term, but everything he's done LeDrew is opposed to. On Transit, LeDrew will kill the St Clair ROW, and will build subways. By the way - one minor thing you should know. LeDrew declared bankruptcy leaving behind a over $350k of tax debt. (The courts have ordered him to pay 74% of it). No one in the poll is planning on voting for him.
This obviously is a very high-level summary of where we stand. Since most Torontonians simply aren't paying attention, this is likely all you'll need if you do decide to get off your ass and vote.
Perhaps whoever does win (and it will be Miller) will make such a mess of things the 2010 election will actually be interesting.
Categories: Politics
Where are the entries?
I've created a lot of entries, and have ended up saving them to drafts. Had one about the snow in Buffalo, Thanksgiving, my birthday, the election, and what this time of year means to me.
I have presently determined that they are all very boring. Perhaps when my mood lifts, I'll publish them. In the meantime, you're stuck with the Feast.
Categories: Mookie
Friday Feast #117
Create a new candle scent.
I guess I'm really lame today. I could have a lot of immature fun with this, but not today. Let's go with Beef Ravioli Surprise
Name one way you show affection to others.
Affection. Yeah, right. I guess one way is the way I look deeply into one's eyes.
What is your favorite writing instrument?
It would appear the only thing worse than answering these is actually writing them. I don't have a pet pen or anything of the sort, but I do like fine ball-point pens.
Main Course
If you were given $25 to spend anywhere online, from which site would you buy?
$25? I'd throw it into my Runescape Membership.
Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?
I haven't been in the mood the last few years to dress up. I can't wait for the "Nice costume" comments.
Categories: Feast
Government Websites
My purpose of going there was to find the lyrics to O Canada! I dare you to try and find the link to information on Canada on the site. The link is there, just impossible to find. Perhaps people don't go to the Canada website to find out about Canada. Perhaps they go there to see what their government is doing.
I don't know.
I share with you a comparison of government websites, in which I researched the voting age. I used my own intuition to follow links, without using a search function.
On the Canada Website, it took 18 clicks to find this: "In 1970, a newly revised Canada Elections Act lowered the voting age and the minimum age to be a candidate from 21 years to 18."
United States - a sharp portal without government advertising. You can find that at the White House site. Eleven clicks, including one dead link got me this off a kids page: "Any citizen of the United States over the age of 18, and who meets certain state requirements, may vote in Federal elections"
United Kingdom - this portal looks like it shouldn't have survived Y2K. It is as easy to find info as it is bland. No advertising here, either. Four clicks for this: "To vote in parliamentary elections in the UK you must be a British citizen, a citizen of another Commonwealth country or of the Irish Republic, as well as being resident in the UK, aged 18 or over, included in the register of electors for the constituency and not subject to any legal incapacity to vote."
Australia - Another sharp, information and services only site. In 6 clicks I found this: "Yes, voting is compulsory for every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older. If you do not vote and do not have a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote, a penalty is imposed."
Take from all of this what you will - I mean other than pondering the amount of idle time I appear to have. At the end of the day, this seems to be a Canadian thing that Canadians have decided to put up with. Just you wait until it's 47 clicks to order your tax forms.
I noticed the Ontario website went this way some time ago. Interestingly enough, it still has not been updated with the new Trillium Logo that caused some flapping earlier this year. It looks like the Trillium on the Ontario Liberal Logo some say. Three in a hot tub, others muse. Who gives a shit? even more say. There's even a website to save the old logo. Too bad that's brought to you by the Ontario PCs.

Categories: Canada, Politics, Links
Friday Feast #116
What is your favorite beverage?
Non-alcoholic is coffee. Of course, I am addicted much to the glee of Tim's, so that's probably why it's my favourite.
Alcoholic is Beer. I'm not addicted to beer - although some may argue differently. It's just yummy.
Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.
What were you expecting to list? My shrine to Andy Gibb?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
I'm a strong 9 with rare moments of 7.
Main Course
If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
I would re-rename Kitchener Berlin. Just to bring it back to its roots. And to piss off the War Hero historians. The only way to get a rise out of a historian is to change history.
What stresses you out? What calms you down?
I suppose Work has always been the greatest stress for me. There are various things that calm me down...it depends on the level of stress and availability of a partner.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #115
Depends on the week. Usually 3-5. I've gotten lost in blogs for entire evenings from time to time. I've found none that compare to mine, however.
Your community wants everyone to give one thing to put into a time capsule. What item would you choose to include?
What is the most interesting tourist attraction you've ever visited?
Amazing how easy it is to remember the lame ones. Since I was a wee little tot, I've always enjoyed my visits to Port-Royal Habitation. This link provides a walking tour; the photo belongs to Parks Canada.

Main Course
If you could give an award to anyone for anything, who would it be and what would the award be titled?
The Asshole of the Year Award will be bestowed upon one of a list of hundreds. It's not too late to add yourself the the nomination list, gentle reader. You likely qualify.
What do you think your favorite color reveals about your personality?
I think it reveals how cynical I am of attempts to read people based on what their preferences are. Or even worse, what sign they are. You may ask me my favourite colour (I believe I answered that on one of these feasts). You may not ask me what my sign is, because that's stupid.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #114
Name a song you know by heart.
See, I can't sing so it's harder for me to remember song lyrics than the tone-hearing - who of course, sing more often than I do. Some gentle readers may say I sing more often than I should.
They would be right.
To answer the question I know O Canada! by heart as we had to sing it every morning in school.
What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?
What a minefield this question is... Obviously I can't answer with anything I have done in front of someone else.
I'm pretty much left with picking my nose.
How often do you use mouthwash and what kind do you like?
Daily and Listerine.
Main Course
Finish this sentence: I am embarrassed when...
I think of things from the past.
What was the last food you craved?
Kraft Dinner. How ridiculous is that!
Yet again, a bland, lame feast. Just pretend you're at Medieval Times.
Categories: Feast
Sounds of the City

Ian (in a drunken slur): Yes?
BO: Did you just show me a September MetroPass?
Ian: Yes, I did.
BO: You know it's October, eh?
Ian: Yes I do.
BO: Well?
Ian: It's not 5 o'clock yet.
BO: But it's October.
Ian: What's the date on your transfers?
BO: OK, you got me there.
I just love bus drivers that make fun of the drunk.
Categories: Heard
The House Warming
Sean of course confirmed with me during the week that I was going (after the Wonderland incident, he now knows I don't remember plans I've made).
The conversation was kinda like this:
Sean: Are you coming?
Ian: Can I just sit there all night and get drunk?
Sean: That's my plan.
Ian: Count me in.
So off we went to High Park.
I haven't seen G since the start of the summer....only a couple times after Sean's party. I saw M one more time than that. They both seemingly fell off the earth (explaining why their blogs got so lame all of a sudden). So it was wonderful seeing them!
Now, I knew exactly three people at this shin-dig. I'm not big into parties where I don't know anyone.
I've been dragged to a few parties by my friends where I didn't even know the host. Hell, I even dragged a guy on a date to a party where I didn't know the host. He gave me pitty sex afterwards, so I suppose it was worth it.
I was pleasantly surprised and happy to report that G and M have a cool flock of friends. They're friendly. They've known each other for a while but are not completely inclusive, if that makes sense.
And every last one of them was good looking. Truth be told, some were actually hideous until I got drunk - and then they become sexy. Must have been the 2-4 Sean and I killed.
Sean went in (we spent most of the evening on the sidewalk in front of the house) to take a pee. M reported that she in fact went to bed to pass out.
It's all good - I know he can't outlast me. I just wish he decided to crash before he drank the last beer. But in a small way it balanced out because I went into the bedroom and bothered him. He surely doesn't remember. I however thought it was a riot.
A party is over when one of three things happens:
- There is no more alcohol
- The host is having a drunken fight with someone else
- You are asked if you want to crash
Off into the cruel world I went.
It was after 4 am, after all.
Categories: Friends, Party
Friday Feast #113
What is your favorite herb or spice?
Cloves. I love the smell!
Name a song you like but haven't heard in a long time.
Radio Gaga by Queen
If you were to take just one minute to write down as many things as you can think of that you need (not want) to do, approximately how many things would there be?
I'm sure I can muster up 20 things.
Main Course
Tell something interesting about one of your family members (nothing scandalous, please, just something unique).
Read below about my Sis.
What's the latest you've ever stayed awake?
By this I suppose one means longest. I believe it was 32 hours. It's rare that I'm up all night these days!
Categories: Feast
Apology to Non-Christians
Sis found the Big J as it were, and never looked back. I on the other hand don't even know where to look. For me, it's kinda like a lost sock - it could be under the bed, but it's just too much effort to bend down and confirm.
Sis and I in some ways are very similar. I feel I meander through life. I've just been chilling for the last decade or so. It could be said by me Sis was going through a virtual routine as well. And then came a defining moment in her life in which everything made sense. So in a seemingly senseless manner, she quit her career and went to school.
In the short time since I've seen a lot of change in her. It's hard to explain - she's become more of the person I thought she was. She definitely doesn't nag me as much. I think she just prays for me instead. She makes me proud.
In her blog she contemplates one aspect of her new life after linking her gentle audience over to this hell-in-a-handbasket place. Why they'd be offended by rooster jewelry I don't know. So I started contemplating her contemplation, when I came across this post in Kelly's blog.
And I think that sums the whole thing up.
Bottom line: I don't write anything on this blog to offend. If you were offended with anything you read on my sister's blog, fuck off.
incidentally, I came across this, just in time for the season.
Categories: Life, Links
Friday Feast #112
Measured in minutes or hours, how much exercise have you had in the last week?
You hit me on a good week. I walked around for hours last Saturday at Wonderland. I'm afraid I'm a rather lazy person. The most exercise I ususally get is lifting the beer glass. I suppose one tick on the 'good' side of being in a relationship is the regular sex work-out.
If you had to change your blog title to something else, what would it be?
Mookie's Dead.
Name one television show you watched when you were 9-12 years old.
Why only one? Let's go with 'Fantasy Island' as it's the first to come to mind.
My favourite was likely 'WKRP'
Mr. Carlson: As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
Main Course
If someone gave you $50 to spend with the one condition that it had to be educational, what would you purchase?
An Atlas. That would be cool.
Do you tend to prefer dark colors, neutral shades, or lighter/pastel hues?
If you now me you'll know I'm into dark colours.
Categories: Feast
Canada's Wonderland
Sean and I try to go to Canada's Wonderland once a year. I actually look forward to the trips because I've only been there a handful of times, my first time about 10 years ago. We actually managed this Saturday! Of course, I forgot to buy the tickets on account I forgot we were going. Work has been busy, people! We managed to quickly get things back on track.
The whole Amusement Park concept intrigues me. One pays admission to spend most of the day lining up. When one needs a break from the line-ups, nothing satisfies more than a $7 burger and fries that were made it would appear at some point in the off-season. Just the whole 'theme' thing rattles my common sense. It's all very surreal. To that end, the walk in the parking lot certainly didn't help things...
Those who know me know I'm not a big fan of children. I have come to realise in a park setting, children are actually fun to watch. Except when they're crying because they're spoilt. Teenagers however are a menace to my adult sensibilities. As they were when I was a teenager.
I am a supporter of the concept of Adult Only days at all attractions, including the zoo, the science centre, museums and hell, why not shopping malls? Canada's Wonderland has come close - when they used to host Gay Days.
But I digress.
Sean and I were quite surprised to see how busy it was. Lots of families, and a bigger proportion of teens than my last outings. It actually started busy, and just got busier. We were unphased, for we enjoyed strolling and sitting and people watching. It was a very laid back outing.
"Hey, do you want to go hang out in a line?"
One of my favourite past times is people watching. That in itself is worth the price of admission! My new favourite thing is to go to Kidzville and watch all the yummy daddies suffering through the day. They're so vulnerable. Sean is good to remind me that I really should learn the art of subtlely.
And how!
Lineups are my favourite. Take The Bat, for example. By the time you are at the front of the line, you will have passed by the same people about 8 times. So every time the line moves, you get to re-check out the same people.
Sean is a good sport to put up with me. All he really heard from me all day was:
"That's hot."
"He's cute."
"Where's a green umbrella? I want a smoke."
But it's give and take with us. All I heard all day was, "Dude, I'm not standing on the Go bus when we leave."
Check here for visuals.
Categories: Breeders, Space
Conservation Update
I am eagerly awaiting my Hydro Bill, where I'll get my credit if I was indeed successful. I will be sure to let you know the results!
Categories: Conservation
Friday Feast #111
What was the very last song you listened to?
You know, I'm afraid I couldn't tell you. I know you surf over here to find out meaningless facts about me. You're out of luck this time.
What is one company/store/corporation you would recommend that people stay away from?
I have to narrow it down to one? Hmmm...Let's go with Rogers Wireless.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy having your picture made?
A strong 4. Take it if you want, but don't expect me to ask you to.
Main Course
Besides a bookmark, what is something you've used to keep your place in a book?
There's a regular on my morning bus that outfits himself with a pencil. When the bus approaches his stop, he pulls it out and draws a line where he finished reading, then uses his pencil as a bookmark.
I've been known to use a Metropass and/or transfer, or the receipt from the purchase of the book. I more often than not will use my memory to bookmark.
Name a food that you like that most people don't.
I'm a pretty bland eater, so nothing comes to mind. The only thing that comes to mind can't really be referred to as food, but it's high in protein.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #110
Name 3 things that you are wearing today.
Jeans, a blue shirt and of course my copper cock ring.
Who was the last person you hugged?
It was actually Sean last weekend.
What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?
My favourite is a Whopper and Poutine. I've been a very good boy for nearly a year and cut my consumption by an impressive 85%. The stuff can kill you, people.
Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
Usually around 1900 or 2000. Unless I'm already passed out drunk.
Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
Intentions Are Negotiable.
Categories: Feast
Conservation Update
Not much to report here.
I'm used to the measures that I have taken. I'm also looking forward to going back to my old ways after I get my $6.
I went to Toronto Hydro's website this evening. To report a streetlight outage - because I'm one of those geeks that keeps the city safe.
I stumbled upon conservation tips for apartment people.
A couple examples of what I read:
Temperature Settings: A temperature of 38°F to 40°F is generally recommended for refrigerators and 0°F for freezers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, but check these settings by placing a thermometer in both sections.
Burner Tips: If you have a gas range, make sure the flame is blue and cone shaped by keeping the burner clean and unclogged. You can use a piece of wire or pipe cleaner to unclog burner ports. If cleaning doesn't help, call your apartment superintendent or appliance service representative. Keep burner reflectors shiny and they will reflect more heat.
As a result, being the prick that I am, I left the following feedback:
As an apartment dweller, I have taken several steps to reduce my energy consumption with a hopes of meeting the Summer Challenge and thereby saving an estimated $6.
I appreciate the tips you provide on your website. There are however some things I don't understand.
For example, Fahrenheit. And how maintaining my gas stove will help me save power.
Spending a little to ensure your content matches your market I'm sure is a good conservation measure.
Perhaps your expense in just having 20 similar comments read equals what it would have cost to have a couple eyes on your content.
Not that I don't believe you add value to THC, gentle reader.
Categories: Conservation, Electricity
It's Up To You
We're beyond Labour Day so it's time for me to focus on the Municipal Election.
As geeky as that sounds.
November 13th of course is the date where we get to exercise our right in this great democracy. A mighty 38ish percent of us will actually get off our asses and vote.
If you plan to vote, please do me the favour and make an educated decision. We are talking about the people who make decisions on things that impact us daily - such as sewers and transit and whether to call in the military when there's a snowstorm.
So take the time to look at what the issues are, and what pissed you off at some point over the last three years. Megabins anyone?
One of my leading resources will be Spacing. Check out what they have planned to help me along the way. Perhaps they can help you too.
Just remember people, if you don't vote, you will nullify your ability to bitch about anything municipal for the next four years.
Categories: Toronto, Politics, Space
Friday Feast #109
What are some lyrics you have misheard (such as, instead of "Gettin' Jiggy With It" you heard "Kick a chicken with it")?
I have no clue. My friends are of class, and would never correct me on such things.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
The one that comes to mind is Against a Crooked Sky. Saw it in its first release when I was five and was bored. Endured it at least one other time in school - our Christmas vacation gift. Shitty school.
Worst adaptation of a book has to go to Bonfire of the Vanities. Back in the early 90s my best friend and I would see two movies every Saturday. He was intensly into film. He insisted on silence, and sitting until the last credit rolled. He handed me the book and told me I had two weeks to read it before the film came out. It was an excellent read.
About halfway through the movie, my buddy called out, "This is dreck!" To which the audience applauded. In fact, about a third had walked out before the end.
Using the letters from your favorite number, write a sentence. Example: Tomorrow has really easy experiences.
My favourite number is 13882954. That would be a mega run-one sentence.
Main Course
What was the most interesting news story you have heard this week?
The anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The fact that it is old news (not much seems to have happened in the last year) makes it newsworthy in itself.
Which word(s) would you choose to describe your wardrobe?
Categories: Feast
Bug Me Not
Many news websites a visit require an account in order to read articles. How spamalicious is that?
I'm not into registering my email all over the place to gain access to sites. Well, I am actually...but I'm already juggling real, semi-real, online-real and porn e-mail addys. No room for a news one as well. Especially when all I'll get out of it is a good read about how someone describes thunder as sounding like a bomb went off.
There was a point in time when TheStar.com started with using accounts. It seems they caught on - it's no longer compulsary. Perhaps in part to bugmenot.
Categories: Links
It Sounded Like a Bomb Went Off
It must have been 15 years ago when I first came upon it in the Star. The story was about some poor soul who decided to jump off the roof of the Eaton Centre's Queen Street Tower. He ended up crashing through the glass gallery and into the Second Cup on the top retail floor.
I present to you highlights of today's Yahoo News Search:
Air Force dispatchers struck by lightning over phone lines August 26Teresa Cummings says she was taking a 911 call around 5 p.m. Thursday when she heard a boom.
“When it first hit, it sounded like a bomb went off,” she said.
Lightning strikes Sherwood house twice July 27
“I didn’t know if it had hit my house, but it sounded like a bomb went off,” said neighbor Charline Meadows, who lives at nearby on Devon.
LR man found guilty in murder, robbery August 3
Evans, 21, admitted she and Dobbins hoped to buy cocaine from Herrod when they met him outside Legend’s Sports Bar at 9700 N. Rodney Parham Road about 4:30 a.m. March 2. Herrod got in the back seat of her car and directed the couple to the Topaz Court cul-de-sac, where Herrod shot Dobbins in the back of the head without warning, Evans told jurors. “I just heard a big bang. It sounded like a bomb went off,” she said. “Cody just fell back.”
Clark resident among plane crash victims August 28
Winchester Sun employee Laverne Fain lives in Lexington at 1927 Dunkirk Drive, off Versailles Road. Her husband was sitting on the front porch when the plane exploded.
"He said it sounded like a bomb went off," said Laverne
Racing has pull on Purvis, but maybe he'll walk away August 20
Purvis was riding in the hauler with his wife Margo, 15-year-old son Clay, and crewmen Matt and Rocky Angel and Ben Britt when the hauler's left-front tire suddenly exploded.
"It sounded like a bomb went off," Purvis said. "I knew instantly we were in trouble."
And my personal favourite of the lot:
Police: Teens Detonated Pipe Bombs In Two States August 21
Police said the teens left almost a dozen bombs in South Royalton, Vt., and Lebanon, Canaan and Enfield, N.H., over the course of four days. Elizabeth Smith of Enfield said her home shook on Friday night as one of the explosives detonated. "It sounded like a bomb went off. We didn't know what had happened," said Smith.
Hmmm...a bomb going off sounded like a bomb going off.
Now that's funny.
Categories: Idiots
The First Impression
To the new residents of apartment 604:
Moving in at 1:00 this morning wasn't the best utilization of that precious one chance.
Especially when you are apparently moving in drunk elephants.
And I don't know what fashion of glass you managed to smash at 1:50. All I know is it sounded like a bomb went off.
Mookie was most unimpressed.
Categories: Neighbourhood, Mookie
To Be A Teenager Again
I can safely say I didn't get most of my teens. I wasn't in or cool. And it took me some years after high school to realise it doesn't matter. Some more years still to get over what could have been.
See, teens fight for their independence. At the same time, they want to be like everyone else. They want to be cool. They spend a whole lot of time on the here and now, not on the big picture. Incidentally, I find it interesting that one who seeks independence does it by wearing the same clothes as everyone else. So I suppose it's more of a cult thing.
These days they call me "Sir."
From where I sit I have no problem with teens singularly or even in groups of up to three. Any more than that and they become annoying. Just the sight of a group of them, for instance in front of a school at lunch, hurts my eyes.
So you can imagine my delight when I came across this.
The premise is simple. As one ages, he can't hear high pitch sounds as well. So play an annoying high pitch sound that only younger folks can hear so they'll move on. Kinda like a dog whistle for teenagers.
Teenagers apparently dig it. And they're resourceful.
They quickly understand the premise - that only they can hear the annoying sound.
And all of a sudden there's a market for a Mosquito mobile phone ring tone. Because adults (including teachers) can't hear it, and it's cool.
Categories: People, Space
Friday Feast #108
If you could have a free subscription to any magazine, which one would you like to have?
I think I was asked this question once before on a telemarketing call. Hmm...I currently don't subscribe to any magazines, but must admit I miss getting Maclean's. I'd read it during my commute to work, and whatever I didn't finish ended up in the can.
Describe your living room (furnishings, colors, etc.).
Lots of Ikea, and lots of cherry wood. And of course the stupid pink carpet that I still haven't pulled up.
What does the shape of a circle make you think of?
I always think of a happy face. I remember when I was really young my sister having one on her wall. I think it may have been purple.
Main Course
Name 3 things in your life that you consider to be absolute necessities.
I feel the need to say food, shelter and clothing. Truth be known, if it came down to it, I'd likely choose going homeless if it meant keeping my dick.
What was the last really funny movie you watched?
It would have to be C.R.A.Z.Y. I highly recommend it.
Categories: Feast
Kelly's Blog
I Love hanging out with Kelly 'cause he's a funny guy. I've been trying to track down his blog forever (ok, for 6 weeks). Bruce kept telling me the address, but alas, I was drunk on every occasion and simply couldn't remember it.
Gotta love the Memo function on cell phones. I've just spent the last several hours reading Kelly's archives.
Like a lazy stalker.
Categories: Links, Friends, Haunt