Poor Sassafraz is no more. Where will those celebrities go to chill out now?
I have fond memories from the 'Fraz, as I liked to call it. Now let it be understood: I'm not one of those princessesses that hang out at places just to be cool. Far from it - I find that a little artificial. In fact, I'm the type of dude that hangs out at places that aren't cool.
At the last company I worked for a number of years ago I met a great bunch of friends. We have all moved on, but all manage to get together about once a year.
At one point, we had formed a Dinner Club. Once a month, we would go out to Dine. I won't speak for the rest of the flock, but I was generally drunk before the main course came. The club came to an end shortly after we suffered through an entire dinner listening to one of teh flock decree motions on who could, and could not be part of the Club.
So we stopped sending him the invite.
Back to the 'Fraz. One particular month it was chosen as the spot.
We were all on our best behaviour.
The waitress was an absoute eccentric. More so than an ass wiping wand. She in fact was over the top. I believe her accent to be fake. I am pretty sure she had an orgasm when she recited the specials of the evening. The older gentleman at the next table was absolutely apalled when the waitress took away his escort's special to show our table the wonderful presentation.
"Luke at ze vondervul preezentishun," said the waitress as quivered and twitched.
Should we be appalled as well? Is this the proper thing to do to fit in at this surreal eatery? But how can I act appalled when I'm laughing? So I did the best thing I could think of. I ordered the special. It was wonderfully presented, after all.
The absolute highlight of the evening came with the meals. One of our ladies had excused herself just before the main course came.
"I shall get ze leed for ze ladiz plate," said the waitress as she scurried off.
Emilia immediately looked intrigued.
Emilia: Wow, how classy. She's getting a leed for the plate.
Ian (Laughing): How classy are you by making fun of her fake accent.
Emilia: What?
At that moment the waitress returned with a metal lid, and put it on the plate.
Emilia had a baffled look on her face.
Ian: It's a lid, Emilia. A lid.
Emilia: Oh. I thought she was bringing something I've never heard of before.
All: Out of control laughter.
As you can imagine, I bring up this story during our annual reunion. It's on the play list with Effie's kidney stone, John's codeine addiction and the fact I had sex with Joe.
So farewell, 'Fraz. Thanks for the memories.
Categories: Friends, Toronto
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