As you may know,
Gillian and
Marcos now co-habitate. This was their excuse for a party on Saturday. I saw right through it and in typical style did not bring anything.
Sean of course confirmed with me during the week that I was going (after the Wonderland incident, he now knows I don't remember plans I've made).
The conversation was kinda like this:
Sean: Are you coming?
Ian: Can I just sit there all night and get drunk?
Sean: That's my plan.
Ian: Count me in.
So off we went to High Park.
I haven't seen G since the start of the summer....only a couple times after Sean's party. I saw M one more time than that. They both seemingly fell off the earth (explaining why their blogs got so lame all of a sudden). So it was wonderful seeing them!
Now, I knew exactly three people at this shin-dig. I'm not big into parties where I don't know anyone.
I've been dragged to a few parties by my friends where I didn't even know the host. Hell, I even dragged a guy on a date to a party where I didn't know the host. He gave me pitty sex afterwards, so I suppose it was worth it.
I was pleasantly surprised and happy to report that G and M have a cool flock of friends. They're friendly. They've known each other for a while but are not completely inclusive, if that makes sense.
And every last one of them was good looking. Truth be told, some were actually hideous until I got drunk - and then they become sexy. Must have been the 2-4 Sean and I killed.
Sean went in (we spent most of the evening on the sidewalk in front of the house) to take a pee. M reported that she in fact went to bed to pass out.
It's all good - I know he can't outlast me. I just wish he decided to crash before he drank the last beer. But in a small way it balanced out because I went into the bedroom and bothered him. He surely doesn't remember. I however thought it was a riot.
A party is over when one of three things happens:
- There is no more alcohol
- The host is having a drunken fight with someone else
- You are asked if you want to crash
As much as I was wanting to see a spectacular tiff between M and G, it wasn't meant to be. Number 1 already happened, number 3 just occurred.
Off into the cruel world I went.
It was after 4 am, after all.
Categories: Friends, Party