
Burger King

I'm on Duty at work this week. This means I cover off another part of the operation on evenings and on Saturday. I'm on call until Monday. Now, as you know I deal with boxes. This part of the operation deals with trucks and ladders. It's really sexy actually.

As much as I know and love boxes, I don't know the first friggn' thing about trucks and ladders.

Shit, my life in the form of a paradox.

In any event, the week totally kills me because of the hours and the workload. Plus I don't have the two fundamental clicks needed to make a clue when it comes to anything related to anything I'm supposedly managing.

They give me a Blackberry. It's an amazing invention! Every time it vibrates, I'm invited down a path to Hell.

It means either:

a) I have received an e-mail that conveys a message that even though it makes sense, I have no fucking idea what it means, much less know what I should do about it.

b) It is someone I don't know calling. (In these cases I just let it go to voicemail, to give me time to figure out what the hell to do about what they want)

I don't know why people actually like carrying them. Losers.

And then there are the real people. I have no clue what their names are, or what they do. Occasionally they actually come to me and ask me questions. It usually goes like this:

"Are you Ian?"
"There's this job and it was gonna be Xsomething as Xother. But now it's LTR."
"Well, what should I do?"
"What do you think you should do?"
"Um, I was thinking of ping on it, but I know it is dark out."
"Do you think p-ing on it is the smart thing to do?"
"I think so."
"You're probably right. Go ahead."

I usually get bitchy after only a couple days of this. Really bitchy. Even Mookie is avoiding me at this point.

The only thing that got me through to the end of the shift today was the knowledge that today is Whopper Wednesday. The bus in front of work conveniently stops in front of a Burger King. Ian deserves a break today! (get it?)

It was a memorable experience. I remember all two things the guy behind the counter said to me. "Next" and "Three seventy-nine."

I stewed in my own surly shit on the subway trip home. Why are these fools not given basic customer service skills? Is it this bad at McDonald's? No, Burger King is worse. By the time I was home firing up the Information Superhighway, I had already drafted in my mind a witty yet honest dispatch for the King.

Technology has evolved to the point a hand held device can cause me instant chaos (and can also tell me what time the LCBO closes while I'm on the bus).

Technology has not however evolved to the point where Burger King provides an electronic means of providing them with feedback (unless you call the 800 number from your cellphone, I suppose).
So no instant gratification for Ian today. You may be happy to know you can apply for a job from their website, right to the store location. You may be equally happy to know that after much pondering, I decided not to hit the 'submit' button.

Monday will come soon enough.

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