

Those who know me know I'm not big on kids. And you probably came to know this with your jaw dropped, listening to my opinions on what should be done with them.

For those who don't know me, I'll give you and example. Public attractions should have specific days in which kids are not allowed. Imagine a day at the zoo without kids. True bliss I tell you!

Another example: Several years ago my household and my sister's household got together and did what we do best - ate out. We went to a buffet restaurant. While waiting to be seated I immediately saw an overabundance of kids. I'm talking Chuck E Cheese kid ratio here.

Hostess: Smoking or none?
Me: Whichever has fewer kids.
Hostess: Umm....
Sister: Yeah, see, it's kind of kids eat free day here today.
Sister: He wants smoking
Me: You knew this all along!

Nothing like sharing a buffet with a bunch of snotty kids with dirty hands defiling the pizza bar.

Now the major population of Runescape are teens. I share that virtual world getting annoyed because someone who is probably 14 is calling me a 'noob.'

They are more prevalent in the forums. They are easy to find simply based on spelling ability. Apparently at some point in the 90's education spending was reduced by governments - the budget cutbacks resulted in the cessation of the teaching of 10% of the alphabet. And teaching what order they should be used to form words is now nothing more than a high level overview.

This particular forum post stuck out, given the fact there is sentence structure. This post was in response to advice he was given to complete a quest.

Thanks ^_^. I'll try, but atm i'm doing jungle potion. I can play Rs this weekend because my interim grade was a C. yay!^_^

Get this: The kid gets a C, so he's allowed to play Runescape on weekends.

So my virtual and fake world is populated by kids, and not necessarily the smartest ones in the class. I feel like such a perv. I feel like what I thought of the guy who was hanging out in the Chuck E Cheese's bar, sucking down a pint.

All I can hope for is a kid's free Runescape Day. Until then, I still have midnight to dawn.

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