With every Spring comes the annual fire alarm testing. The Landlord has been good at upgrading the building along with new Fire Code requirements over the years. So for several years they have been inspecting and replacing the smoke detector battery on the day they test the fire alarm. I replace it every fall, but ended up replacing it again with the early Daylight Savings Time for some reason.
Fire Alarm Day came last week. As has been the routine for several years I pulled
their smoke detector from the closet, dusted it off, and left it on the table near the door for them to hopefully haul off.
I had replaced it - all by myself - because it was getting old and I preferred the other type. For $20 I didn't feel like filling out a work order to get a new one, which may still have been the other type. (If you don't know what I mean about "types," I suggest you give this a
I worked from home as originally planned on Fire Alarm Day to better take care of a couple errands mid-day. As luck would have it, the Super knocked on the door when I was in the midst of a conference call.
I quickly answered the door. The super grumbles, and in comes some kid with a step ladder and battery. As he attempts to replace the battery, he pulls the smoke detector out of the ceiling. He tells me they need to remount it, and leaves into the hall. The Super at this point has already moved on to the next apartment.
"Ian? Do you agree?"
I hear coming out of the speaker of my Vista 350.
Off I was back to the phone, contemplating my response.
Given the type of meeting this was, I quickly dismissed my "I'm not sure I've fully wrapped my head around this one. Could you restate the question?" tactic, and deployed, "I kind of agree, yes. I'm so close to being bought in I have my wallet in my hand." It worked.
That was the last I saw of my smoke detector. And my battery. And my screw, for that matter. I figured they'd be back by 5. Then I figured the Super would consider it an 'emergency' and just come in on Tuesday. I thought of calling on Wednesday, but the Super gets every other Wednesday off, and I never know which it is.
How ironic that in an effort of the Landlord being in compliance with Fire Code, I end up without a working smoke detector.
The irony having worn off, I bought and installed a new one this evening. For 12 bucks it's done. It doesn't make sense to me to pursue what I'm out. After all, if I called today and died in a fire tonight, I'm not going to see any of the settlement.
I may however sell
their smoke detector on ebay.
Categories: Neighbourhood, Life