Second Life / Get a Life
Of course, I put up with a certain amount of mocking, both direct and indirect for this diversion.
Get over it.
I'm sure by now you have seen the new latest craze, Second Life.
SL is a virtual world in which everything is run by the users. You can be a free member, roaming the streets, making your money (Lindon Dollars) by working odd jobs. If you become a premium member, you will receive a weekly stipend. You will also be able to buy land that you can ultimately build up.
So everything in this world is owned by someone. And it's open source allows members to build whatever they want. Anything that is built is your property in the real world.
A really difficult concept, eh? It's easiest to understand if you simply consider SL to be the real world.
I'll give you an example. I may determine there's a need for a product. Let's say, I don't know, hand baskets.
Using the online creation tool, I can build handbaskets. I can then sell them to the owner of the store, and make money. If I create a unique handbasket, it's mine. I can turn around and design it in the real world, and sell the design to a company for real money.
So on SL, I make my living selling something. Let's say I sell handbaskets for 20 Lindons (L$) each, and I sell a thousand of them. I now have 20,000L$. What do I do with that? Well, I can live on SL for one thing, consuming goods, buying land and things, partying, whatever.
I can also go to a currency exchange, such as LindeX, and sell my L$ for US$. The LindeX closed today at 269L$. If I sold my 20k L$, I would get $74.35 US. Conversely, if I needed additional L$, I could buy it with US$.
In short, there are people on this planet who are making a living exclusively from working within SL. There are companies in the real world, with employees, making their money on SL.
There are well over a million members in SL right now. While the vast majority are simply living a different, perhaps better life online, some are living a different, perhaps better life in the real world because of this.
I now must go find a way to get the idea of financial freedom out of my head before I go and quit my job.
Categories: Links, Runescape
All about the head
In case you're wondering, this is supposed to cure headaches. They just aren't allowed to advertise it as a remedy.
The story behind this is a colleague was talking about it, but I never saw the ad so figured it was a figment of her imagination. I decided I'd post it here, to prove to others how quick I am to judge my colleagues and their ability to remain in the realm of reality.
Categories: Idiots
November Sucks
Sorry February. As much as I dislike you, I reserve my loathing exclusively for November.
November is a shitty month. Ever shortening spans of daylight. The sun blocked by clouds for days on end. Feeble snow flurries. Brown grass. Mind you, we have had pretty good weather lately and even had a couple sunny days last week. <---This was difficult to write, as I don't like to associate positive comments with November. A few nice days isn't enough for me to forget about your black heart. It's kinda like how I think Paul Bernardo is hot.
For years now, I've pretty much shut down in November. I can never get enough sleep. I can't get out of bed. If I do get out of bed, I can't make it to work. So I can sleep all day.
I'm likely to break up with you in November. I'm likely to get sick. I have been known to go on drinking binges. Taco Bell, why don't you sell Soft Taco Supremes by the bucket? And Burger King, when are you going to open an outlet in the lobby of my building? And when are you going to start selling Poutine Whoppers?
It's become obvious to me I am a SAD sufferer. That's the last thing I need. More variability in my moods. So the obvious solution is to get as much light as possible. And that's what I've started to do. I've also started choking down some Omega 3 and Vitamin D. This seems to help as well.
I know the end of the funk is near. As Christmas approaches, I get out of the slump. Things look up on the first day of Winter, after all. We actually start to get more daylight.
In the meantime, I'm that guy wearing the taco-stained T shirt in line at Burger King.
Categories: Life
Can I have a basket please?
I just returned from your location at 2877 Bayview Ave in North York.
I was annoyed to see, once again, there were no hand baskets at the entrance. Just a couple empty holders.
This is of course a silly thing to get annoyed over. Unfortunately this situation has started to get on my nerves as this is the fourth time in a row I have had to start my shopping "experience" by hunting down a basket - a convenience item for me, the customer, and a proven way to increase sales for you.
In fact, between this location and the SuperCentre at Don Mills and Eglinton, my chances are even that there will not be a basket available at the entrance.
So today, within the first minute of being in your store you managed to annoy me. This is the reason I'm taking the time out of my day to write to you about a basket.
Why didn't I send it, you ask?
Their bloody online web form doesn't work. It's probably too busy talking to the web form next to it about what movie it's going to see on the weekend to notice me there.
Categories: Retail, Rant
Friday Feast #119
Have you ever changed a flat tire by yourself?
Yes, many years ago on my 10 speed.
Do you have an "innie" or an "outie" belly button?
I have an innie that has served as a lint trap for the better part of two decades.
Name a new paint color and describe it.
Furball. It is grey with hues of Fancy Feast Brown.
Main Course
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I've actually been moving away from traditions the last few years. I suppose my favourite tradition is to avoid doing traditional things during the holidays.
If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be, and why?
Probably a Lemon Snap, for obvious reasons.
Categories: Feast
Challenge Update
You may recall I took the Summer Challenge. And the painful sacrifices I made.
My results have finally been announced. According to Toronto Hydro I managed to save 13.12% during the challenge period. Remember this isn't a true number due to their 'adjustment' to my consumption last year.
Including GST, I received a credit of $5.79 on my latest bill.
I am most impressed with my conservation through September and October - the only full billing period my efforts were in force. Even though I rescinded my stove ban, I managed to save a whopping 31% in consumption. I know I can save 10% month over month, even after turning on some things I unplugged for the challenge.
So, I'm sitting here eating crow. I'd be eating KFC if only $5.79 would stretch that far.
As you recall, I didn't think I had a hope of winning this challenge. It is estimated only 20% hit the target. So let me tell you this: It's easy to conserve, people. Take a minute to look around. Turn off something you're not using. Get a couple low-watt bulbs. Or turn them off and sit in the dark like the Tories.
And yes, I am allowed to look down my nose at you spoilt polluters.
I am now part of the elite of Hydro after all.
Categories: Conservation, Electricity
Friday Feast #118
Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
The odd are there is. Some days it doesn't appear there is intelligent life on this planet.
What is one thing you said you'd never do, but you eventually did?
Perhaps the biggest is smoking.
Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?
Mr Dunkley, my grade 6 teacher. I really enjoyed the structure he gave the class. He inspired me to excel.
Meanwhile, in the other corner, Mr Field in high school is the teacher that had the most influence over me.
Main Course
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
Hmmm...who would I want to be me? I mean, let's say I want to trade places with Chris Bosh. I'd spend the whole time worrying what he thinks of me after seeing my bathtub ring. Or me naked.
What is your favorite dish to prepare?
I enjoy making lasagna. I also secretly enjoy making a holiday dinner.
Categories: Feast
Election Update
CityNews on Monday evening - within thirty seconds of the polls closing - declared David Miller the winner of the Mayor's race.
I told you.
The price of admission was justified only a couple minutes later, when the Live Eye reporter told Jane Pitfield of their declaration.
The look on her face.
The reaction.
If only we could have four years of that. I think it would be funnier than Lastman.
Well, not likely.
So with some 57% of the vote on a modest platform, Miller spoke. Toronto seemingly became a better city than it was on Sunday. Miller referred to Her as a World Class City.
I haven't heard that from a Mayor since Lastman.
"Toronto needs sustainable funding," said Miller.
I haven't heard that from a Mayor since Miller. On Sunday. And countless times over the last three years.
And then unexpectedly Toronto became more of a bully. We are the centre of the universe, after all - although some days it's hard to see. We were not only reminded of this, but told to hold onto it. Even though Alberta is booming, Tim's is paying $14 and hour, and the Prime Minister resides there, just south of Redneckville.
So Bravo to Miller. After three years of getting nowhere with funding, after Lastman got nowhere, he sends a volley.
Give us sales tax, or Toronto will vote you out. Just one cent. And keep your jobs.
How much is that? Nearly half a billion dollars a year. Should the rest of Canada care? Yes and no. It's our money - Torontonians are taxpayers after all, so you should mind that we want to spend our money in our hood. If we get it money from, let's say the Feds, that opens the door for Halifax and Winnipeg and Redneckville to do the same.
Half a billion dollars. Just enough to cover the anticipated deficit Toronto will see next year. Only two thirds of what we pay after Provincial downloading.
Time for some math, people. Let's keep in mind Toronto's budget is over $7 billion. Bigger than most provinces. The Federal Surplus is $13 billion. Nearly twice Toronto's budget. Roughly ten percent of Canadians live in Toronto. Assuming Torontonians spend at the same rate as everyone else, it is very safe to say $1.3 billion of that surplus is Our money.
So the reaction?
Dalton McGinty said he'd really like to help, but his wallet is empty. Go to the feds, and please don't ask me anything about the downloading issue.
Stephen Harper hasn't said anything. He's from Leaside after all. And he's busy trying to lower the GST to 5%. We're not much of a threat to him - we didn't vote for him. Not one seat in Toronto is Blue. And he doesn't seem to currently be in need of a seat from us. So long as he doesn't piss of Quebec, we're not needed.
Harper sent the Minister of Transport to town. Lawrence Cannon came announced $40 million in national transit funding specifically to increase security. The TTC was of course expecting a good cut, being the largest transit authority in the country. Perhaps enough to install more cameras in the subway. Or new garbage cans to replace the shitty new ones, which replaced the excellent old ones, in the name of public safety in light of terrorism.
Instead, the TTC received what pretty much equals one day's cost to operate.
$1.5 million.
To Recap:
Miller said, "Give me some money or we'll send you home."
McGuinty said, "Fuck off and talk to Harper."
Harper said, "Fuck you, you never let me play."
So, are we doomed? Toronto has new taxation powers starting next year. Toronto will be able to tax beer and concert tickets. So we could always pay more tax and forget about the tax we don't see.
In all, Miller's speech left me finally feeling good about the city and what it could be. Now I feel dread - only 24 hours into it, what could be is lost until the next election.
I hope the monentum has just begun. Toronto simply won't last another four years otherwise.
Categories: Politics, Toronto, Transit
Remembrance Day
I present to you the quiz:
1) Captain John McCrae served as a medical officer in the First World War and wrote what is considered to be Canada's most famous poem. What is the name of the poem?
2) Canada has produced a number of outstanding military heroes. Identify the two famous Canadians from the following list:
Air Marshal "Billy" Bishop
General Douglas MacArthur
Sir Arthur Currie
General Ulysses Grant
3) Canada's most famous single victory in the First World War consisted of the capture of a key ridge on the Western Front. What was this battle called?
4) In the past century, women took on new roles in the work force to support Canada's war efforts. Which war prompted the Canadian government to give women the right to vote in federal elections?
Looking for the answers? Get off you ass and look them up!
The fact of the matter is, I passed. I certainly couldn't write an essay answer to these questions.
So that got me thinking I really should review Canadian History. It has been over 20 years since I studied it, after all. And I did a half-assed effort at doing so.
Rats - If only there were Canadian history books around. If only there was a gift-giving holiday coming up.
For more questions from the Dominion Institue, take the quiz. You can win a music download if you get a perfect score.
Categories: Canada
Friday Feast #68
What was the last game you purchased?
I suppose a PS2 game for my mother. Yes, Mom has a PS2. Got a problem with that?
Name something in which you don't believe.
Horoscopes or anything of the sort.
If you could choose a television personality to be your boss, who would you pick?
And I would be doing this because why? See, this question makes no sense. I have to pick an actor, then somehow figure out which one should be my boss? But they're all actors. Hmmm... If I was asked to pick a character, the question would be a little less retarted. And I would answer Arthur Carlson
Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
One who allows himself to be controlled by the notion of being in love will ultimately find love that is hollow.
Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
Any room with lube and a towel.
Categories: Feast
Friday Feast #67
Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
I button from bottom-to-top. It took me most of my life to realise this is the best way of ensuring I don't mis-button, which I'm sure you'll agree is a royal pain in the ass.
What is your favorite sandwich?
This is tricky. Montreal smoked meat, medium.
What was a family project you helped work on as a child?
Mom's heroin addiction.
Main Course
When have you acted phony?
I hate acting phony! I reserve that for work and funerals. The last time was yesterday at work, meeting with a colleague who was lying through his teeth.
Do you write letters or postcards? If so, to whom?
The only person I write letters to - and she'll tell you not often enough - is Mom. Who incidently has never been on heroin.
Categories: Feast
Election Update
Well, not really.
In any event with a little less than two weeks to go, I certainly hope you have been studying the issues and the candidates. If not, here's a rundown:
First the issues.
There aren't any.
Seriously - Crime, Transit and Garbage are the major issues. Yes, I said garbage. Beats out Taxes and Poverty according to this Poll. The fact of the matter is, crime is down after the Summer of the Gun, and we haven't seen a garbage strike since Mayor Mel. Transit seems to be rising to the top of the heap of issues.
Now the Candidates.
There are three that matter to the media, and another 35 or so on the ballot.
David Miller: Running for second term. Miller isn't carrying a broom this election, but continues his Clean City Beautiful City theme, promising $100k per ward for beautification. On crime, he speaks of what he's done the first term. More cops on the street and so on. Miller has a comprehensive transit plan, that is heavy on Busways and Streetcar right-of-ways. Plus the Spadina subway extension. Miller seems to understand transit priorities, but unfortunately has shown little movement on the issue his last term. He is going to win, by the way. Thirty percent are committed voters according to a recent poll.
Jane Pitfield: Poor Jane. An early candidate, Jane spent most of her early days saying how bad Miller is. It's hard to understand what her platform is. For example, she currently supports growth at the Island Airport. She voted against the fixed link to it however. Jane is currently against the St Clair Streetcar right-of-way. Her voting record was in support of it during last term. Jane says Miller spends tax dollars recklessly, but was on the budget committee for two budgets, and supported both. She is opposed to the recent purchase of the landfill near London, which she voted to buy - presumably due to "human error." She wants to outlaw panhandlers. And she wants to build 2 km of subway every year, and enter into 'private/public' partnerships for transit
Stephen LeDrew: A late-comer to the campaign, LeDrew started as simply anti-Miller. He said he will throw his support behind Pitfield near election day if he's still in third. (More recently, he said he will throw his support behind Miller). Not much going on with him. Miller has done nothing his last term, but everything he's done LeDrew is opposed to. On Transit, LeDrew will kill the St Clair ROW, and will build subways. By the way - one minor thing you should know. LeDrew declared bankruptcy leaving behind a over $350k of tax debt. (The courts have ordered him to pay 74% of it). No one in the poll is planning on voting for him.
This obviously is a very high-level summary of where we stand. Since most Torontonians simply aren't paying attention, this is likely all you'll need if you do decide to get off your ass and vote.
Perhaps whoever does win (and it will be Miller) will make such a mess of things the 2010 election will actually be interesting.
Categories: Politics