Bug Me Not
Many news websites a visit require an account in order to read articles. How spamalicious is that?
I'm not into registering my email all over the place to gain access to sites. Well, I am actually...but I'm already juggling real, semi-real, online-real and porn e-mail addys. No room for a news one as well. Especially when all I'll get out of it is a good read about how someone describes thunder as sounding like a bomb went off.
There was a point in time when TheStar.com started with using accounts. It seems they caught on - it's no longer compulsary. Perhaps in part to bugmenot.
Categories: Links
It Sounded Like a Bomb Went Off
It must have been 15 years ago when I first came upon it in the Star. The story was about some poor soul who decided to jump off the roof of the Eaton Centre's Queen Street Tower. He ended up crashing through the glass gallery and into the Second Cup on the top retail floor.
I present to you highlights of today's Yahoo News Search:
Air Force dispatchers struck by lightning over phone lines August 26Teresa Cummings says she was taking a 911 call around 5 p.m. Thursday when she heard a boom.
“When it first hit, it sounded like a bomb went off,” she said.
Lightning strikes Sherwood house twice July 27
“I didn’t know if it had hit my house, but it sounded like a bomb went off,” said neighbor Charline Meadows, who lives at nearby on Devon.
LR man found guilty in murder, robbery August 3
Evans, 21, admitted she and Dobbins hoped to buy cocaine from Herrod when they met him outside Legend’s Sports Bar at 9700 N. Rodney Parham Road about 4:30 a.m. March 2. Herrod got in the back seat of her car and directed the couple to the Topaz Court cul-de-sac, where Herrod shot Dobbins in the back of the head without warning, Evans told jurors. “I just heard a big bang. It sounded like a bomb went off,” she said. “Cody just fell back.”
Clark resident among plane crash victims August 28
Winchester Sun employee Laverne Fain lives in Lexington at 1927 Dunkirk Drive, off Versailles Road. Her husband was sitting on the front porch when the plane exploded.
"He said it sounded like a bomb went off," said Laverne
Racing has pull on Purvis, but maybe he'll walk away August 20
Purvis was riding in the hauler with his wife Margo, 15-year-old son Clay, and crewmen Matt and Rocky Angel and Ben Britt when the hauler's left-front tire suddenly exploded.
"It sounded like a bomb went off," Purvis said. "I knew instantly we were in trouble."
And my personal favourite of the lot:
Police: Teens Detonated Pipe Bombs In Two States August 21
Police said the teens left almost a dozen bombs in South Royalton, Vt., and Lebanon, Canaan and Enfield, N.H., over the course of four days. Elizabeth Smith of Enfield said her home shook on Friday night as one of the explosives detonated. "It sounded like a bomb went off. We didn't know what had happened," said Smith.
Hmmm...a bomb going off sounded like a bomb going off.
Now that's funny.
Categories: Idiots
The First Impression
To the new residents of apartment 604:
Moving in at 1:00 this morning wasn't the best utilization of that precious one chance.
Especially when you are apparently moving in drunk elephants.
And I don't know what fashion of glass you managed to smash at 1:50. All I know is it sounded like a bomb went off.
Mookie was most unimpressed.
Categories: Neighbourhood, Mookie
To Be A Teenager Again
I can safely say I didn't get most of my teens. I wasn't in or cool. And it took me some years after high school to realise it doesn't matter. Some more years still to get over what could have been.
See, teens fight for their independence. At the same time, they want to be like everyone else. They want to be cool. They spend a whole lot of time on the here and now, not on the big picture. Incidentally, I find it interesting that one who seeks independence does it by wearing the same clothes as everyone else. So I suppose it's more of a cult thing.
These days they call me "Sir."
From where I sit I have no problem with teens singularly or even in groups of up to three. Any more than that and they become annoying. Just the sight of a group of them, for instance in front of a school at lunch, hurts my eyes.
So you can imagine my delight when I came across this.
The premise is simple. As one ages, he can't hear high pitch sounds as well. So play an annoying high pitch sound that only younger folks can hear so they'll move on. Kinda like a dog whistle for teenagers.
Teenagers apparently dig it. And they're resourceful.
They quickly understand the premise - that only they can hear the annoying sound.
And all of a sudden there's a market for a Mosquito mobile phone ring tone. Because adults (including teachers) can't hear it, and it's cool.
Categories: People, Space
Friday Feast #108
If you could have a free subscription to any magazine, which one would you like to have?
I think I was asked this question once before on a telemarketing call. Hmm...I currently don't subscribe to any magazines, but must admit I miss getting Maclean's. I'd read it during my commute to work, and whatever I didn't finish ended up in the can.
Describe your living room (furnishings, colors, etc.).
Lots of Ikea, and lots of cherry wood. And of course the stupid pink carpet that I still haven't pulled up.
What does the shape of a circle make you think of?
I always think of a happy face. I remember when I was really young my sister having one on her wall. I think it may have been purple.
Main Course
Name 3 things in your life that you consider to be absolute necessities.
I feel the need to say food, shelter and clothing. Truth be known, if it came down to it, I'd likely choose going homeless if it meant keeping my dick.
What was the last really funny movie you watched?
It would have to be C.R.A.Z.Y. I highly recommend it.
Categories: Feast
Kelly's Blog
I Love hanging out with Kelly 'cause he's a funny guy. I've been trying to track down his blog forever (ok, for 6 weeks). Bruce kept telling me the address, but alas, I was drunk on every occasion and simply couldn't remember it.
Gotta love the Memo function on cell phones. I've just spent the last several hours reading Kelly's archives.
Like a lazy stalker.
Categories: Links, Friends, Haunt
Friday Feast #107
What color is your car?
Who gives a shit? It's as if you're gonna tell me how you know my stink, complete with examples, based on this information. Next you're gonna ask me what my sign is.
If you could wake up tomorrow with full training in another occupation and a job in that field, what would it be?
It would have to be pharmacist. Cool job, but too much chemistry study. That is why I want to be a bartender. It's the same scheme - mix concoctions and counsel people.
How many times in your life have you had the flu (or something similar)?
I have a great memory to the point it often surprises people what it is I remember. My strongest memories are about being sick or other health-related activities. Once I became an adult, I was 'sick' an average of once a year. That average has moved to every couple years. In short, I would say 30 times - based on fever, not 'flu.
Main Course
What is something that has happened to you this week that you didn't expect?
A direct report at work told me she is pregnant.
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I suppose my first 'tingly' kiss was when I was 11 or 12. It was with Clair, who lived behind me. Her family was on exchange from the UK. We kissed behind my garage.
I recall a time in school where she was sharpening her pencil. A teacher asking if anyone ever referred to her as a boy. She did look like a boy - I loved her dimple. And her ass, come to think of it.
Categories: Feast
It Wasn't Me!
I thought this was funny given I read earlier this week that the artists of the piece believe writing on it is part of the art. In fact, they were upset when the sculpture was cleaned after it's first exhibition.
In any event, I did not write "Stephen Harper you shame us!!" on the sculpture.
If it was you, Thanks.
Also of note, the AIDS funding announcement that was promised this week has been postponed. According to Harper, the issue has become too "politicized" to make any announcement this week. In other words, he knows he's pissed us off enough for now, and wants to stop reminding us that he's in Whitehorse. And not in front of the World.
It always makes sense to defer an AIDS funding announcement until after an AIDS Conference - especially when it is being hosted in the country you are the Prime Minister of. Yes, don't show up, and don't donate.
It reminds me of the kid who can't take the heat, and takes his bat and ball and runs home...Or to Whitehorse.
Fortunately, the media didn't call him on his trip from Paris to help rescue Canadians escaping from Lebanon. If that were the case, he may not have announced the $25 million in funding.
Categories: Politics, Canada, Rant
The Snub
In this free and democratic country, I accept Stephen Harper is Prime Minister as this is what Canadians wanted (Or perhaps a result of what they didn't want).
I also appreciate that not everyone, including Mr. Harper, is cool with Same Sex Marriage - although the majority are, or don't care enough not to be.
What I don't understand is Harper's desire to reopen the issue.
Given the majority of Canadians are cool with it.
Given a democratically elected Parliament passed the law.
Given the Supreme Court said the new law is more Constitutional than the old.
Given that provinces representing the majority of the population already allowed it anyway.
But to each his own - he's entitled to his opinion, and he warned us.
Now that the foundation is laid, here's snub #1: The Gay Outgames in Montreal. Even though athletes from 111 countries (of which 20 have laws against being gay) converged on the Olympic city, I can appreciate Mr. Harper couldn't make it.
"The prime minister receives hundreds of invitations to attend several events at the same time. He simply can't be everywhere at the same time." - Dimitri Souda, Harper spokesperson.
Good 'ol kd lang publicly called him on it. But it's OK, Harper sent poor Michael Fortier instead.
And he nearly got booed off the stage. Hell, nearly out of the Big O.
And snub #2? The World AIDS Conference in Toronto. Harper was of course in Nunavut tending to that pesky tempest in the teapot - Arctic sovereignty.
"We recognize the importance of the event. That's why we're sending two senior cabinet ministers but, ultimately, we can't have the Prime Minister everywhere." - Dimitri Souda, Harper spokesperson.
Health Minister Tony Clement promises an announcement this week. How important could it be? I mean 24,000 people from all parts of the world are in town. Harper isn't. And he lived here.
It appears Harper may have confused the Outgames for a Gay event instead of a Human Rights event. And the AIDS Conference as a convention instead of a Health Care event.
So, you say: I'm not LGBT, and I don't have AIDS. Why should I care?
Because Harper's absence tells the world Canadians don't care.
Categories: Politics, Gay, Canada
Friday Feast #106
Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.
My favourite toy was a Fisher-Price Village. I played with it for hours on end. I actually surfed a couple weeks ago looking for stuff about it.
If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?
It would be freedom: Basic human rights.
Approximately how many times per day do you think about your significant other?
I usually don't wank more than once a day.
If I weren't single, history tells me whatever answer I give would probably be wrong.
Main Course
What is something you believe in 100%?
Name one thing you have done this week that you would consider a "good deed."
At a station on the Sheppard subway, a lady asked me how to get to Finch. I told her to go to Sheppard, and go north.
When we got to Sheppard, everyone of couse left the train - except for her. I went back in and got her, and walked her to the platform she needed.
Categories: Feast
A New Blight on Society
Now, some may think I'm simply being polite. If the truth be known, the truth is I didn't want strangers to know what I was listening to for fear of being made fun of.
No kidding.
So for me it is beyond comprehension that one would play ones music at a volume others could hear.
But it happens my friend. All the time - for years. Not one fellow passenger has had the balls (or motivation) to tell a loud-earphone-user to turn the shit down. Not even me. A well-placed dirty look seems to appease any offended listener.
Collectively, we've learned to live with it.
As we have with cell phone ringers.
See, it has become perfectly acceptable to have a loud (and more recently annoying) ringtone on ones cell phone. I always get annoyed. In summary - chick sitting on the bus. All of a sudden, It Takes Two breaks out. Chick clutches here phone. She doesn't answer it, but rather looks at the display for about 50 seconds before answering it.
All she gets are a couple dirty looks.
Meanwhile, I ALWAYS have my phone of vibrate when I'm outside of home. Perhaps mainly because I don't want dirty looks thrown my way.
There you have it. People playing music too loud on earphones, and folks with loud and annoying ringers on their cells.
Combine them, and what do you get?
The new trend in Transit Annoyance.
People whose Ipods are so loud, they don't hear their phones ringing. As an aside, it appears that friends of loud-music-listeners tend to call back if their first call goes unanswered - apparently in case they didn't hear it the first time.
I kid you not.
We need to get together my friends, and a least make this more than a dirty-look incident.
After all, they don't know why we're giving them a dirty look.
They can't hear their fucking annoying phone.
Are You Normal?
According to what Seth has written, he's had a webcam in his space for around 10 years. He appears to be well balanced in a way. What he does - having a webcam pointed at him 24/7 - perhaps does not seem normal. The images that reflect off my retina through that cam seem normal to me. I find a level of comfort watching. It remains however more fun to watch those who aren't asking to be.
But comfort is good. And I shouldn't judge.
I highly recommend the 'compressed time' day videos. You can watch Seth's entire day, from the deepest of sleep, to work, to other hobbies (I wish I was 25 again - man can he pull it) - all of this in a couple minutes.
So my lesson of the day follows. I'm feeling hard on myself for learning this lesson even though there was limited damage done:
Don't judge others.
That's it. I was reminded it is folly to assume you know someone's story unless you hear it from them. Sometimes one who lives an altered reality is more normal than one who seeks drama.
In the meantime, I'm checking to see what Seth was doing on my last birthday...
Categories: Links, Life
Sounds of the City

American: We're American. We're fast talkers. That's what we are.
Vendor: Yeah.
American: We talk fast 'cause we don't have to think before we speak.
Categories: Heard
Union games, anyone?
Be that as it may, a Union Local advertising campaing always equals negotiations.
I was intrigued enough by the Best Retail Workers billboard campaign that I surfed over to see what the contest survey was all about.
I like Union marketing campaigns about as much as marketing prescription medication.
Why would UFCW 1000A care so much about what we, the consumer think? It's obvious to me their members don't give a shit when they serve me.
To gather ammo, my friend. For without a survey, one has nothing to spin.
Local 1000A's contract expired July 1st.
So, next to the store actually having a variety of stock, what are the contest entrants saying is the most important influence on where they shop?
Price? No.
That employees feel like Management respects them? No.
It is in fact that staff are knowledgeable, courteous and friendly.
Perhaps one day both the Union and Management will actually heed what consumers tell them.
Categories: Retail, Rant
Friday Feast #105
Name an actor or actress you think is totally underappreciated.
I'm not a big celebrity follower. As a result I have little interest in answering this question. So I'll go with Mel Gibson.
Impress us by using a big word in a sentence.
I generally hold people to their word.
What is something inanimate that you've given a name to (such as a pet rock)?
Early in my retail days I called my pricing gun 'Clicker.'
Main Course
What color would best represent your personality and why?
I think if I were to ask others, some would say tan or grey. Because I'm sometimes perceived as bland and/or an asshole.
Fill in the blanks: ____________ is so ____________.
This is so lame.
Categories: Feast
A Public Apology
Being more hip (but less hop) than me, I asked what "owned" means.
Sean did not know.
I speculated aloud that it meant "To have control over; to be better than."
I further surmised its roots were in the South and is a reference to slavery.
Tonight I looked it up.
In short, if you are owned you have been made a fool of - by the owner, I suppose.
Its roots are in computer games.
Being a Runescape member, I should have known that. I've owned a few on there.
In any event I just want to apologise for this.
There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Slave remark.
I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a friend the night I was arrested on herb. I am a public person through my blog, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out, or blurted out in a moment of insanity, my words carry weight in the public arena
I wish to take it one step further, and meet with Slave leaders for a one-on-one discussion.
I just hope I'm not owned in hell.
Categories: Idiots
Hot Enough For You?
I'm a 23 degree type of guy. It is currently 34, with a humidex of 46. Earlier today it reached 37.
Last night was the hottest night on record for Toronto - 27 plus humidity. Kinda explains why I was soaked when I finally got up. (I'm not sure if I slept)
Work was a little crazy. The huge HVAC system was in over drive. Apparently a/c systems in larger buildings have massive units which contain a waterfall - the water of course is cooled and pumped through the building, then is taken back outside. The waterfall helps to remove the heat from the water before it is chilled and pumped back inside.
It was too hot for that game. So they fed the system more fresh water. The unit was more or less Niagara Falls to exaggerate. So the building was cool. But there wasn't enough water pressure to flush the toilets beyond the third floor of the 6 floor building.
Then there was the power warnings. Save electricity. Turn off the TVs (I'm in the television business, so we have a lot of TVs). I jokingly told my co ordinator to unplug her clock radio as it was a drain on the grid.
"I agree," she claimed. "This is a serious situation. I think I should unplug my computer."
Funny girl.
All was for naught anyway, we were forced off the grid by the IESO. That's what happens when you pay less for power. The building's generator gives enough juice to power everything - we were on it for a week during the blackout. Air quality takes a real hit.
So, Ontario hit a record consumption of over 27,000 megawatts - that's with folks like us off the grid and retailers cutting half their lights.
Awesome - you guys appear to be listening to me and are not up for the Challenge.
Meanwhile, to compensate for my fan being on 2 and 3 instead of 1, I have:
Unplugged my DVD player
Removed one light bulb from my bathroom
Unplugged my cordless phone
I am open to suggestions on what to do with the $6 that surely will be mine!
Categories: Conservation, Electricity, Work