
Back in My Day...

I was surfing through Yahoo! Answers. It's a website where you can post a question for other users to answer - usually inaccurately.

I came across this question:

"whats the length of term and a few responsibilities for the premier of ontario, senator of ontario, mayor of london, member of provincial parliment, and member of parliment??"

This is obviously for a school assignment. Kids are so lazy these days. And slack. They seem to be getting more stupid as well.

Back in my day, I didn't have the luxury of the `net. I'd have to go the library to get the answers. If the internet was around back then, I would have loved the convenience of surfing around to do research.

This lazy, fat-ass, Xbox playing slacker little snot is too lazy to even do that. He'd rather post the question for someone else to answer then look it up himself.

Without the courtesy of knowing how to spell and use capitalization.

By the way, here's the answer someone posted: "who cares about canada...seriously, learn about a real government"

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